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Sgc8647's avatar
9 years ago

NightSister Team Composition help

Hello everyone,

Started he game 3 weeks ago (ftp) and i have really enjoyed the Nightsister (secondary in stun control) theme.

So far the core of my arena team is (current Level 57) :

Ventress (L) 6* Gear Level 7
Talia 6* Gear Level 7
Royal Guard 4* Gearl Level 7

So i am wondering what to add to this core team (all the way to Level 80 and the rest for Arena / GW / Raids)

Ventress: has good basic damage (the 35% stun is just added bonus), good dispel, and AoE. She basically auto heal once her protection is gone.

Mods: currently mostly health (it is the only one i have the 5* Chalenge unlocked

Talia: The TM + heal. her basic is average but auto heals 90% of damage done. Good Special damage + DoT

RG: Auto taunt + Stun


Currently i have the possibility to add:

Luminara 6* Gear Level 7

She brings dps and a secondary heal. No Stun / Night sister synergy

Old Daka 4* Gear Level 7 (working on her)

She brings Stun / some heal and Revive. Night Sister Synergy (speed from ventress or dodge from talia). How do you Mod her ? (right now at my level a Stun isn't reliable i feel)

Night Sister Initiate 5* Gear Level 6 (working on her gear / star)

She brings Dps, Night Sister Synergy (speed from ventress or dodge from talia). Great Hp / protection. But i really wished she had a Taunt in order to really use her durability in defense for the other Nightsister

Chewie 6* Gear Level 6 (working on gear)

Brings taunt and self healing, average damage but a nice Reduction TM proc on basic attack

Ashoka 3* Gear Level 7 (on hold)

High Crit Dps toon, Build in self heal. when Leading over Dodge bonus (like talia but this one applies to her)

Night Sister Acolyte is really looking lackluster


Current Arena is a somewhat young shard (a bunch of p2p) but max level is currently 64 so i manage to stay around rank 65-45. No aiming for top spot since i am not partculary interested in the most used meta toon (QcJ / Rey / GS / etc)

But i really like to keep current rank with a mostly NS team (+ the stun, at least on RG, is really helpfull as a crowd control)

So any advice for the other spots in this team ?
  • Daka is the only viable Nightsister character. Ventress is great on offesnse, but AI is stupid with her. You will fall like a rock overnight if you make it to the top of your server. I know it's not what you want to hear, but you need to find a more viable team composition.

    From what you have listed, here's your best comps:

    Ahsoka (L), Lumi, Daka, RG, and someone not listed (QGJ/Anakin?)
    Lumi (L), Ahsoka, Daka, RG, someone not listed

    The leader choice is a coin flip because Daka benefits from Ahsoka's leader ability, but Lumi's is probably better overall. Hope this helps, but you need to get out of the Nightsister business quickly.
  • I too have a Nightsisters 7* team. I still play them at the lower levels of GW because they are fun to look at, but you won't get anywhere with them in Arena. RyanRen is right, you have to shift to another team right away.
  • I ran Snips (l), Ventress, Lumi, Daka,and Talia as my first 7* team (except Daka. I have yet to take her past 4*)

    In arena, I did well until the Rey, RG, QGJ teams got some levels and stars then I fell off hard. I have since created a more arena viable team comp, but I am happy to have my nightsisters because of GW. I have never failed to complete less than 11 nodes because of this team. The only time I fail the twelfth is when I get really unlucky with the opponent selected, which happens maybe once every two weeks. They are the Queens of attrition! All of them but Daka have decent (Lumi) to crazy good (Ventress) lifesteal and with all the healing abilities on top and turn meter advantage they can't be killed. Plus if one of them does get bursted Daka can rez.

    All in all, I've been top 50 arena since level 20 (usually top 20, sometimes able to snipe top 10) and have benefitted greatly from GW rewards the whole time so I'm quite happy with my nightsister/jedi comp, but you do need to plan ahead to keep your arena rank.
  • "RyanRen;630240" wrote:
    Daka is the only viable Nightsister character.

    Sad but true. I suggest you make a new account and try to follow the below:
  • "scuba;630852" wrote:
    Asajj will be great again!!! One day :(

    I wait for the day that the devs show their compassion for nightsisters too...
  • "Purito_Jalig_Udfelo;630315" wrote:
    I too have a Nightsisters 7* team. I still play them at the lower levels of GW because they are fun to look at, but you won't get anywhere with them in Arena. RyanRen is right, you have to shift to another team right away.

    Really, lol it's probably cause you do not know how to play them.

    My NS Team (click me)

    Daka is gl 10 now not 8 like in the picture. I get top 100 with only auto fighting my 3 daily arena battles. If I tried I could easily get top 20 or 30, if you think NS suck it's cause you do not play them highest I have been with this team is top 10. If you are giving opinions about NS and you do not main them please just stfu, you give NS a bad name not the NS themselves. Yes Asajj has terrible AI it hasn't stopped me, all you have to have is persistence and desire to max them out.
  • "Darth_Azrael;630835" wrote:
    "RyanRen;630240" wrote:
    Daka is the only viable Nightsister character.

    Sad but true. I suggest you make a new account and try to follow the below:

    Again not true at all if you don't main NS stfu.
  • NS have a lot of tools at there finger tips to resist those high dps team (stun and solide basic damage skill)

    Besides an AI rework i feel the only thing missing from the NS team is a Taunt ( if only the NSI could have it...)

    So far i feel old daka needs the more work (high gear to bring her stun to bear on the opposing team) altough mine is already at the max Gear for my level. Even with a set of two potency mod she has trouble stunning just one opposing toon.
  • My wife runs a nightsister team and she ends top 5 in her shard every day.. She's on a younger shard (March) but still seems to be doing quite well with a combination of stuns and dispels. Her team:

    Ventress (L)

    Good luck with a pure team....