8 years ago
Nute lead
Okay so I'm doing a Nute Gunray lead. I know sounds terrible. Truth is, it literally destroys the new meta, but has some major counters. Here's how it works: you take stealth 3 stealth characters and put them behind nightsister zombie and Nute Gunray leading. You have to have Nightsister Acolyte in order for it to work. What happens is when zombie loses her taunt their still forced to attack her and it's almost a never ending cycle. It's very rare for Acolyte to be exposed unless there's an aoe dispeller on the other team. This team gets absolutely crushed by aoe dispellers such as B2 and Baze. Barriss is also someone you want to avoid with this team. Plo Koon absolutely wrecks a Nute lead as well but he's not viable right now so it doesn't really matter. Anyway I'm seeking advice on who my fifth member should be. I'm set on doing Nute, NS zombie, Acolye, and Princess Leia. For my fifth I was thinking Hermit Yoda at first but then realized how useful Geonosian spy would be. Any advice on who I should pick?