Forum Discussion

daanswekbanaan's avatar
7 years ago


What mods would you use? CD or offense? And why
  • Depends on the character. Does the toon crit frequently enough to take advantage of the CD?
  • "SGMiller87;c-1309604" wrote:
    Depends on the character. Does the toon crit frequently enough to take advantage of the CD?

    What percentage would you call frequent enough
  • who are you modding? my raid han i use CD because he already hits hard, but i did some trials with resistance trooper and he does a couple thousand more damage with offense than he did with CD, depends on the hero...
  • I think the general rule of thumb is that if the character has less than 30% Critical Chance, then go Offense; otherwise go Critical Damage. Some characters are different of course, but I find this simple guideline helpful for most characters.
  • who do you want to mod, for what game type, and who around him?
    this is the question