7 years ago
Old Kylo Mods
Question assumes most battles are fought under AI control for my FO team as I put them on D.
The AI will spam his Lash Out that gives TM to the whole team. Probably a good strategy. That ability cannot crit but deals bonus damage based on his critical damage. I'm not even sure what that means. He does gain bonus stacking offense from his unique.
His base crit chance is really low anyway. So how do you mod him? Offense set With Offense primaries and secondaries? Offense with Crit Damage Triangle? Crit Chance Triangle?
Something else?
I have offense and potency sets on him right now. What do you use and why? The basic mod tool suggests offense and tenacity.
The AI will spam his Lash Out that gives TM to the whole team. Probably a good strategy. That ability cannot crit but deals bonus damage based on his critical damage. I'm not even sure what that means. He does gain bonus stacking offense from his unique.
His base crit chance is really low anyway. So how do you mod him? Offense set With Offense primaries and secondaries? Offense with Crit Damage Triangle? Crit Chance Triangle?
Something else?
I have offense and potency sets on him right now. What do you use and why? The basic mod tool suggests offense and tenacity.