I'm not certain this is what you're asking, but I'm going to take a stab.
Do I gear more than 1 toon at a time? Yes. But I don't use normal energy for any gear but kyros 99% of the time. Every other gear on normal energy nodes flows in from the shops for various currencies, raid and other rewards, and they pretty much keep up with the full time kyro farm. The 1% would be the g12 finisher pieces occasionally fall behind (handles, heads, injectors). Get2 and gac currency all goes on kyros for me too. Mostly the computers, so I'm always farming the prods, which comes with good scavenger mats.
I'd get JKL finished to r7, then get one of the others to g13 so signal data can start going to them. Meanwhile getting the other as close to g13 without using the kyros, and moving mon mothma up at the same time. If the others get all their g13 stuff, look up what mon mothma will need and use ship energy to have that gear ready too.
I think its ideal to be doing a sub g11 toon at the same time as a g12 toon and a relic toon. They all want different stuff, but the sub g11 one gets filled without energy (other than kyros for new toons), the g12 gets filled from ship energy and the relic one from cantina energy.