Forum Discussion

IA1WTFTFIWM1683's avatar
8 years ago

Other Players.

I really do not see what the issue is. What I always had in mind that when it came to unlocking Luke that it should be really bloomin' difficult to unlock him. I always imagined R2 and the Rebel faction, Yoda and the Jedi faction and Emperor Palpatine and the Empire faction and whoever else would be required to unlock him. I just read a post abut a person who has put no effort in to unlocking and upgrading the required characters with the star count being around 4/5 and the gear lvl being G7 and I just have no idea why they think one of the best characters on the game should just be handed to them. The characters needed are relativly simple to unlock, early cantina node, Arena, and granted R2 being difficult with 5 7* G9/10/11 Empire characters needed but that's where I think it's justified to unlock CLS. This guy is a high levelled character and you need to be a high levelled player to get him. Whining and complaining like a spoilt child not getting their way I think is ridiculous. Knuckle down and grind out. Do that and you deserve CLS just like everyone who has unlocked him. I'm 100% free to play and I have farmed gear for the past weeks to make sure I could get CLS. Shut up, I've had enough of looking on this forum and just reading constant whining over something or the other. Let's just let everyone have the same maxed 20 characters, I'm quite sure nobody will get bored of the game then(!) Variety, replay ability, the constant logging on each morning to spend energy and watch our favourite SW characters in action in an easy and entertaining form of entertainment. Enjoy the challenge or what else is the point of playing video games? Rant over.

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