5 years ago
Padme/3PO Prot Up Mechanics Qts for community
Facing Relic Padme squads in arena...some with GMY and some with 3PO
Using a EP Empire squad (g12) to easily beat the ones without 3PO.
Opening move is my turn with Vader and I use his force crush:
- against a team with GMY the debuffs mostly land and the TM train rolls on and I win easily.
- against a team with 3PO only a couple debuffs land and most of the team gets Prot up so no further debuffs are possible.
What is the mechanic of 3PO that I am missing in his abilities that allows this to happen?
(I checked his "Intermediary" ability and whenever "Galactic Rep allies gain a different, Non-Unique, Non-Protection BUFF they gain 15% Prot up; since Vader applies only DE-BUFFS, not BUFFS, I didn't think this applied since it didn't specifically say Status Effect(s))
Maybe i'm reading this wrong, or I probably missed something else.
thanks for the help.
Using a EP Empire squad (g12) to easily beat the ones without 3PO.
Opening move is my turn with Vader and I use his force crush:
- against a team with GMY the debuffs mostly land and the TM train rolls on and I win easily.
- against a team with 3PO only a couple debuffs land and most of the team gets Prot up so no further debuffs are possible.
What is the mechanic of 3PO that I am missing in his abilities that allows this to happen?
(I checked his "Intermediary" ability and whenever "Galactic Rep allies gain a different, Non-Unique, Non-Protection BUFF they gain 15% Prot up; since Vader applies only DE-BUFFS, not BUFFS, I didn't think this applied since it didn't specifically say Status Effect(s))
Maybe i'm reading this wrong, or I probably missed something else.
thanks for the help.