Forum Discussion

Jroos100's avatar
6 years ago

Palp team or CLS team?

Heya everyone,

So the question I have is: Should I continue to upgrade my sith team for arena or should I focus on a CLS team?
CLS is coming in 3 days and I'll be ready to get him
I've almost got 3 zeta's saved up right now because I'm not sure if I should go for CLS or my sith team.

Right now I'm using zPalp, Vader, Thrawn, Sion, Nihilus

For a CLS team I was thinking: CLS, Solo, R2D2, and either Wedge+Biggs or Old Ben/GK+ Imwe

Would love some feedback!
  • I ran zCLS, zzR2, zRHan, and either Chaze or Wiggs for the past year. Held in top 100 until Oct. Could beat EP, Vader, Sion, Nihilus, Thrawn teams most of the time but got killed on defense to them as well as NS. When Traya and Revan started showing up in Oct, I dropped and could snipe top 200.
    Got Chewie and run w zCLS, zzR2, zRHan, zThrawn and zetad Loyal Friend and can now snipe top 50. Top 50 is Trayas, Revans, and 3-6 CLS teams.
  • "Baddbrad;c-1743836" wrote:
    I ran zCLS, zzR2, zRHan, and either Chaze or Wiggs for the past year. Held in top 100 until Oct. Could beat EP, Vader, Sion, Nihilus, Thrawn teams most of the time but got killed on defense to them as well as NS. When Traya and Revan started showing up in Oct, I dropped and could snipe top 200.
    Got Chewie and run w zCLS, zzR2, zRHan, zThrawn and zetad Loyal Friend and can now snipe top 50. Top 50 is Trayas, Revans, and 3-6 CLS teams.

    Get 3Po a d you will retain top 10