"Mazurka;210823" wrote:
"Azraelrulez;210122" wrote:
@Mazurka, thanks but no, I won't farm GS from the 2 stars I have him at. I do miss his utility but after the level cap is raised, I think he's not going to be so spectacular. Way too less additional rewards in farming him. I need the extra purple mats and the Cantina currency that higher nodes give. Until the next level cap raise hits, I'm still getting 1st slot so there's no urgency. Developing quite a few toons in preparation...
Bravo to you azrael. Could you share why you don't think GS will still be good once the level cap is raised? You are only missing out on about 10-20 cantina currency per refresh. You are missing out on some purple ability mats, but personally, Id rather just have one of the top (arguably best) characters in the game. You can't argue with 10k damage BEFORE the assist. This guy will help you beat any team with consistency, I understand he is lame, but he will win your heart once he's on the squad
Gear VIII GS is good but gear IX is what really makes him so OP compared to the other toons, presently. Everyone else will have access to Gear IX come the level cap raise. That should bring balance to the force.
I'll need 299 shards to max my GS. At an average drop rate of 30%, that is roughly a 1000 tries. Accounting for the fact that I'll be able to do 330+ less runs on higher nodes due to higher energy cost, I'll lose around 5000+ Cantina currency (around 66+ shards). Add around 2.6 mill less credits. I don't even want to speculate on the nos of purple mats I'll lose as there are no proper statistics except for the dev's statements that drop rates are higher at higher nodes. Then training droids... Let's not even go into the credits, droids and energy I'll spend leveling, promoting and gearing him up from 2 stars lvl 53 gear vi to max. On the other hand I get 299 shards of any of the 4/5/6 star toons I already have+66 extra shards from shipments+2.6 mil credits+ assorted extra purple mats and training droids+ finish gearing up my other mid level toons.
Nah...! I already have toons that I can promote directly to 7 stars from 0 (not activated) and many 5/6 stars I'm working on, training/ gearing/ farming. Keeping those mats, credits and shards to use as necessary when the level cap raises. Like I said, already no 1 most days, gotta be ready to adapt as fast as possible when the level cap raise changes things. I'm guessing level cap raise within a month or so, the time it'll take to max GS. Don't want to have him maxed just when things change.