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Kodiak_Skywalke's avatar
6 years ago

Please, masters of the Galaxy of heroes; Lend me your sage advice!!

God D*MN! My ships game is straight 'ridiculous'.. .. .. -LY PATHETIC!
I readily admit; I'm absolutely terrible at this game. I know nothing and you all know everything. My very existence is an affront to the game as a whole - Nay; to Star Wars fans the world over! You are all far superior to me in experience, knowledge, not to mention pure natural 'talent'! That's why I need you guys to please tell me how to not suck so bad and also how to not fail miserably when ever I attempt to deploy my fleet...

Just fought this jerk and I got creamed. None of KRUs stuns would hit always resisted. My counter-attacking and assisting (A major part of my strategy in fleet PVP, on account of my using Home 1) was shut down by ghosts stealth. They reinforce Boba Fett. I had reinforced with cad bane one turn previous - which I know now was a mistake, if they don't lead with Boba Fett then I KNOW I need to bring ATano in first because Boba is always first reinforce and I need to dispell his countering taunt. I'm aware I made this tactical misstep. But honestly by the time I brought in my first reinforcement, I was down to Boba Fett nearly full health and KRU almost dead (did die the next opponent attack). Their shops were all still having protection since stealth caused me to lay off my initial target of choice (Anakin, right. He's most dangerous?) And start hitting someone else. Like it was done before my capital ship struck twice you know?

And this is just indicative of how my fleet tends to go. My ships are maxed out. My pilots - I believe - are well modded and more importantly: their mod setups are tuned specifically to help my ships side of things. My capital ship of choice (Home 1. Is this my problem?) Is as maxed as maxed can be at my level. Ackbar has dope sh*t speed mods well over 2 hundo whereas majority of my toons sit at 170 or less even. So why can I not take on guys who I KNOW I should be able to beat. Maybe this guys fleet looks scary to everyone and I don't see it? But I love preying on these dudes who done lead with a tank - I usually don't either I usually lead boba KRU and JC for a third stun strike from KRU and it usually works. I've also come to see Ghost and even the phantom ghost lead in combo to be inherently flawed. They both suck too soft if you shut down ghosts stealth crud he goes down without issue. So this is what I view as an optimal opponent for me these are the guys I earn my ranks on day in and out. He's not even running Tarkin but Thrawn - another cap ship I've just come to realize is too slow and doesn't offer his ships enough defensively to hang IME. But then often times I still lose these STUPID matches that should be in my favor all the way. Why? Someone tell me where I need look in the future because this fleet stuff for me - it's been a SLOUGH just hanging around 90s in my shard...

These are what I'm working with. My usual fleet is home 1 boba KRU and either JC or Bossk leading in. Reinforce ATano, Cad Bane and Plo Koon in that order if it lines up right...

Save me because I'm tired of s*cking so much at this! Lol!

7 Replies

  • With what you have, I would go with cad, bossk, and kru in the lead. Then ashoka, vader, and fett as reinforcements.

    I would also probably drop ackbar for thrawn or tarkin. Ackbar may be faster and have healing (thrawn has that as well) but it is hard to come from behind with ackbar since his ultimate is only good if you have several ships left. Thrawn can immediately kill an opposing ship and take one of yours to full health and tarkin can send a mass attack that takes out several ships. Bith of those can turn a battle if you are behind.

    The strat with the team I suggest is to get breach on one or more opponents and it behind hounds tooth's taunt while you pick off your opponents. You can still use kru for stuns but it's best to hide them behind a sturdy tank asap.

    I suggest vader and ashoka for reinforcements because they both have good damage and can dispel (handy when facing an opposing tank). Boba is a good backup tank so also a good choice.

    I personally prefer tf to kru since under tarkin or thrawn he feeds turn meter to your cap ship when he evades and he evades pretty often. But kru works and your kru is further along.

    Gearing priorities would be bossk and cad bane. Bossk to make ht as tanky as possible. At g11, he sits and absorbs most attacks unlesd the opposition has specific counters. And cad to get him as fast as possible to get breach out asap as you run the risk of losing an attacker if the other team goes while you're not taunting.

    And the last advice. Drop jedi consular. His ship is trash and brings very little to a mixed feet like you run.
  • You have to gear and mod your crew in order to have the ship stats go high.
    Character speed means nothing. Quality and level of mods is what you need.
    It counts not only the stars and level of the ship.

    Read this:

    Besides, the capital ship you using goes well with rebels but not with the ships you are using.

  • Gotta pick a faction and hone in on them. At this point you gotta go sith empire and start getting zeta mats to triple zeta DR. Also get trooper to replace assassin, but marauder is great. That will help you in squad arena immensely. In terms of ships get Bossk geared and starred up. A good Hound's Tooth is a staple in fleet arena. Also gear up your KRU for his ship, mine is able to get rid of the opposing HT in a reasonable amount of time.
  • More gear! You wouldn't send characters into squad arena geared like that. Pilots are a big part of a ship's power and their gear is a big part of that power
  • Hound's Tooth should definately be in your starting line-up. HT is part of almost any strong team out there. Farm and gear up Bossk to improve your HT (this will not be wasted, since Bossk himself would be a great addition to your bountyhunter squad, and will help you promote Chewbacca).
    Silencer and XB could be your other 2 in your starting lineup. Use XB to spread breach to keep HT taunting and to call Silencer to assist/stun.
    Alternatively use HT, Biggs and your fastest tie with targetlocking in your starting line-up.

    Tie advanced can add some damage and its targetlock synergizes well with Biggs' ship. JC's ship is an ok reinforcement for now. Phantom II would make a great reinforcement if the reinforcement ability is maxed.

    Gearing up your pilots/crew members will improve your ships - and also make them faster. F.ex. if you improve your Ackbar, your Home One may become faster and let you reinforce and reach his ultimate ability faster than your opponent. Anything that improves the crew power of the pilot will improve your ship.

    Long term:
    Farm all BH ships all the way to 7*. They will unlock Han's Millenium Falcon, which will be the core in your next fleet.
    Farm your rebel ships and their pilots "on the side" to prepare for when you unlock Hans' Falcon. In particular, you should farm Cassian's U-wing, since it will be great for taking out enemy Falcons. Farming your Phoenix will also help you promote Thrawn, who is a strong character in itself but also commands a capital ship, which could be an alternative for your Home one (until you unlock HMF).
  • "Rath_Tarr;c-1968532" wrote:
    More gear! You wouldn't send characters into squad arena geared like that. Pilots are a big part of a ship's power and their gear is a big part of that power

    ^^^ Troof.

    Also, just forget about Jedi Consular. His ship sucks and he's even worse on the ground.

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