Forum Discussion

  • Why is this now in "Off Topic?" This is indeed worthy of the General Discussion as was the article on the letter from the Alliance and the interview? Someone with Admin/Moderator access please advise. Thanks!
  • "Gank_Killer;c-1158722" wrote:
    Because you're forcing people to click your link to view your opinion, it's off topic.
    copy-paste to be an actual forum post and sure, it belongs in General.

    Nobody is forced to do anything. Did you read the article or know about the Power update to the game? It's about to be a big deal. We are a news source and recognized as one by EA.
  • "ljcool110;c-1158852" wrote:
    "Gank_Killer;c-1158722" wrote:
    Because you're forcing people to click your link to view your opinion, it's off topic.
    copy-paste to be an actual forum post and sure, it belongs in General.

    Nobody is forced to do anything. Did you read the article or know about the Power update to the game? It's about to be a big deal. We are a news source and recognized as one by EA.

    Did you read what he said? "Forced to click link to view your opinion". Unless theres another way to read what you think, interested readers must click the link. Thats why its in off topic.
  • I use this site as a reference to mod my characters. they're pretty good for suggestions and advice
  • @ljcool110

    Did you write this article?
    Is it based on data mining the formulas?

    It contradicts what they say, from how the update reads it still accounts for base stars but now includes the 5 things you list.

    I also want to add if they did what you stated, all toons without zetas, each toon with 1 zeta, 2 zetas, and so on would have equivalent powers. They state that each of the 5 added stats add the same power for each one being at a max level, with the exception of a lvl 8 ability with a zeta being worth more then just an lvl 8 at omega lvl.
  • I wrote this article, and the numbers are based off a data mined formula, which is easily confirmed in game.

    I'm not sure how it contradicts what they say.
    Characters: Level, Gear pieces, Mod tier and upgrades, Ability upgrades, and Star rating

    The value of any one of these upgrades will be the same for all units (e.g., raising a unit to level 85 will be worth the same amount of Power for all units.)

    Any characters with the same upgrades will have the same power. The only thing missing from what you said is that pieces of gear available to G11 will change a characters max power level as well. So a character like Yoda, who has 2 zetas and 3 omegas, but can only equip 4 pieces at G11 will be behind toons with the same abilities but that can equip 5.
  • if they are based on info in game thats fine. it just didn't make sense to make toons equal based solely on upgrades since base stats and upgraded numbers still effect combat effectiveness.

    I was just trying to verify. They say includes which to me meant they would add this to the original formula not replace it.

    Thank you for the clarification.