9 years ago
QGJ or ST Han lead?
My current arena squad is Phasma(L), RG, ST Han, QGJ, and GS. My Rey is now finally at level 80 and 6*, and I'd like to put her into my arena squad to see how it goes. I want to continue running 2 tanks, but also don't want to drop either QGJ or GS as they are my only two omega'd toons. That leaves Phasma, who anyway I'm not super high on.
If I do drop Phasma, however, that leaves me with a bit of a decision to make for who to run in the leader spot. ST Han's leader ability doesn't seem great until someone goes below 50% health. On the other hand more speed for QGJ would be great, but he'd also be the only one benefiting from his leader ability. Which would you pick?
If I do drop Phasma, however, that leaves me with a bit of a decision to make for who to run in the leader spot. ST Han's leader ability doesn't seem great until someone goes below 50% health. On the other hand more speed for QGJ would be great, but he'd also be the only one benefiting from his leader ability. Which would you pick?