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RockyBalboa814's avatar
9 years ago

QGJ Zeta offense boost broken??

So I just got QGJ zeta and have been running Jedi in arena with great success so far. I Run


I have only done a few arena battles so far but I feel like that team didn't hit any harder than then they did before Zeta was on QGJ. Maybe I'm crazy or maybe the offense boost just didn't affect the dmg as much as I expected. Has anyone else noticed the same issues. Can anyone confirm or deny my observation
  • "DarthMasterShawn;819907" wrote:
    I notice it in some, like ashoka and Yoda, but not in Q,Ani,Mace,Ima,Kit,aayla,Ben,Lumi,Barriss

    I agree @DarthMasterShawn it's only Ashoka and Yoda the rest seem to do increased damage I just run a full GW with them.

    Is anyone else seeing this @Darth_Jay77 habe u noticed this.
  • "TrevorTheWookie;819936" wrote:
    "DarthMasterShawn;819907" wrote:
    I notice it in some, like ashoka and Yoda, but not in Q,Ani,Mace,Ima,Kit,aayla,Ben,Lumi,Barriss

    I agree @DarthMasterShawn it's only Ashoka and Yoda the rest seem to do increased damage I just run a full GW with them.

    Is anyone else seeing this @Darth_Jay77 habe u noticed this.

    I have 7 more raids before I unlock GK so I havent zeta'd QGJ and Yoda yet unfortunately. I personally like Ahsoka in the group and she'll be in my starting lineup once Im ready.
  • I am not sure about the Jedi not doing more damage under qgj zeta lead.
    But I have noticed, instead of just giving offense it gives the whole team an offense up buff that can not be seen or dispelled.
    Against baze, baze should only get 25% tm from his unique. Baze actually gets 50% tm becuase he sees the foresight and offense up boost.
    This needs to be changed within qgj leader ability, it should not be seen by enemies since they are getting tm off of it.
    Sadly I think this is internal coding that will never be able to get fixed, similar to teebo. It needs a looking at.
    The qgj zeta is broken becuase of this.
    Anybody who has qgj zeta is most likely high end arena players that face a baze daily. It is not correct!!
  • "Jetlife;833860" wrote:
    I am not sure about the Jedi not doing more damage under qgj zeta lead.
    But I have noticed, instead of just giving offense it gives the whole team an offense up buff that can not be seen or dispelled.
    Against baze, baze should only get 25% tm from his unique. Baze actually gets 50% tm becuase he sees the foresight and offense up boost.
    This needs to be changed within qgj leader ability, it should not be seen by enemies since they are getting tm off of it.
    Sadly I think this is internal coding that will never be able to get fixed, similar to teebo. It needs a looking at.
    The qgj zeta is broken becuase of this.
    Anybody who has qgj zeta is most likely high end arena players that face a baze daily. It is not correct!!

    This isn't meant to be a rude comment either; I'm just curious how you know there's an offense-up buff that can't be seen or dispelled? He is suppose to give Jedi an offense increase but it's not an actual buff per say, just curious how you know that.
  • @Darth_Jay77
    Exactly what @ObviouslyNot stated.
    He has qgj zeta so he has probably seen this multiple times.
    I doubt baze is seeing 2 foresight on each Jedi.
    I am not 100% that is it the offense boost that baze is seeing, but it is a bug that is affecting how a Jedi team will play. It needs to be looked at.

    Giving this "offense" boost is new in leader abilities so the chances that it is bugged are high.

    It's something bugged inside qgj lead that is giving to much tm to baze in this scenario.
  • Interesting, I'll be zeta'ing QGJ soon so I'll have to keep an eye out for that stuff. :smile: