Forum Discussion

LordSerion's avatar
7 years ago

R2-D2 or BB-8

Hello all, who do you think would fit better on this team: zFinn, Poe, Resistance Trooper, Resistance Pilot.

BB-8 increases potency and damage output via abilities, but the latter is not that quick. R2-D2 has passive pot increase via number crunch zeta.
  • The old hard GW needed R2 as fast CLS teams would get a turn in when Bb8 rolled back and forth. Other than that, there is not one time/mode that I have used r2 with Resistance since I got 7* bb8 the first time he came around.

    To summarize, BB8 is the best resistance support toon in the game.
  • I just started running BB8 with my resistance team with R2. I found that the speed boost let R2 go before Poe. This is super helpful against Chaze Teams. R2 stealths everyone and then there are no counters.

    In raids, use BB8 instead of R2 with pilot for max damage.