10 years ago
Rating healers?
How would you rate them? I'm new but here are the ones I have tried so far... - Barriss: Amazing. Not much more to say here. Heals a lot, but beyond that, gets you out of the "one character is a...
"Slushie;1918" wrote:
Jedi Consular is pretty decent since at higher skill levels you can permanently reduce the cooldown of his heal by 1 turn as well as have a 25% chance to reduce all cooldowns by 1 turn with a basic attack.
"Slushie;1918" wrote:
Not to mention his special ability attack can also heal him as well.
"Slushie;1918" wrote:
Luminara I like as my leader because I don't have Barriss yet. The level 4 leader skill gives all Jedi allies a heal for 4% of their health at the start of their turn (half for non Jedi), and every little bit counts really. I think Barriss' leader skill does the same?