Forum Discussion

DarthxJay's avatar
9 years ago

Rebel Leader - Ackbar or Lando

With today's update Lando's leader now applies to Rebels too. Ackbar and Lando are both pretty cool. I think that begs the question though, who to use?

- Ackbar: 25speed / 10% Tenacity and the non-attack assist
- Lando: 15speed / 29% Crit damage

Looking for feedback because I may not be considering everything here.
- Ackbar
pro's: Assist and a little more speed
cons: Assist is limited to his own specials, Han's taunt, and Leia's stealth. Sure Rebel Soldier but who really uses him?

- Lando
pro's: More crit damage. Great for his AOE, good synergy with Wedge and Leia, guaranteed Crit on Biggs assist attack

cons: Less speed than Ackbar, lose the couple assist attacks

Hope this stimulates some good conversation about the two Rebel leaders.