8 years ago
Rebel Tanks and my desire to love on Chewie
I'm not talking man-on-Wookie love here. I'm talking about my OCD-like desire to have a crazy-strong New Hope or Empire Strikes Back team.
So I'd love CLS (L); Raid Han, R2D2, Princess Leia, and Chewie. Buuuuut... can I actually beef Chewbacca up enough for his tanking to suffice? (I know we're talking Clone Wars Chewbacca - trust me, it kills me inside! - but he's the Chewie tank we've got for now). Does his Zeta make him any better?
I think what I should do is give up on Chewie and accept Old Ben as my tank. But still, hold off long enough to indulge the above. Is a tip-top Chewbacca any good? I could even do Old Ben AND Chewie with R2, leaving Han and Luke to do all the killing while they absorb damage and R2 keeps everyone else safe...?
Or wait - did I forget Stormtrooper Han? I'm personally not super impressed with mine but everyone else seems to love the guy.
Now we go completely off-canon. I could replace even Old Ben with Scarif Pathfinder or Kanan if I wanted to - they'd both still benefit from CLS's lead. Are either of those choices better tanks? Kanan keeps himself alive pretty darned well - maybe even better than Old Ben? And Pathfinder is like a poor man's NS Zombie, lol. Pretty annoying as long as I can keep him buffed (with Leia and Han, that shouldn't be TOO hard).
So to sum up:
1) Is Chewie even a marginally viable choice as my only tank in a strong Rebel team?
2) What about Chewie + Old Ben + R2? Or Chewie + STH + R2?
3) Who's the best Rebel tank, including everyone? Scarif Pathfinder? Kanan? MACE WINDU?? LOL.
Talk to me, goose.
Sam UX
So I'd love CLS (L); Raid Han, R2D2, Princess Leia, and Chewie. Buuuuut... can I actually beef Chewbacca up enough for his tanking to suffice? (I know we're talking Clone Wars Chewbacca - trust me, it kills me inside! - but he's the Chewie tank we've got for now). Does his Zeta make him any better?
I think what I should do is give up on Chewie and accept Old Ben as my tank. But still, hold off long enough to indulge the above. Is a tip-top Chewbacca any good? I could even do Old Ben AND Chewie with R2, leaving Han and Luke to do all the killing while they absorb damage and R2 keeps everyone else safe...?
Or wait - did I forget Stormtrooper Han? I'm personally not super impressed with mine but everyone else seems to love the guy.
Now we go completely off-canon. I could replace even Old Ben with Scarif Pathfinder or Kanan if I wanted to - they'd both still benefit from CLS's lead. Are either of those choices better tanks? Kanan keeps himself alive pretty darned well - maybe even better than Old Ben? And Pathfinder is like a poor man's NS Zombie, lol. Pretty annoying as long as I can keep him buffed (with Leia and Han, that shouldn't be TOO hard).
So to sum up:
1) Is Chewie even a marginally viable choice as my only tank in a strong Rebel team?
2) What about Chewie + Old Ben + R2? Or Chewie + STH + R2?
3) Who's the best Rebel tank, including everyone? Scarif Pathfinder? Kanan? MACE WINDU?? LOL.
Talk to me, goose.
Sam UX