"Qwik;c-1955395" wrote:
Hey, I want to thank you for the response, I do appreciate it. I apologize if I'm asking stupid questions....
What's a good rank a person can expect to maintain? Cause I'm looking at the rewards for the squad arena and unless you can stay in the top 100, you earn very few crystals.
I apologize that I can't really answer this question from the perspective of a new player. My guess is that early on arena shards are dominated by big spenders and by the people who hold off on reaching 28 for 6 months or whatever so that they are able to jump in with the raid characters immediately. Eventually those people hit the level/gear cap and the rest of the shard is able to start acquiring the meta characters and to catch up to where they can have a competitive meta or counter-meta team. (You won't ever catch up to the spenders in total GP, but you don't need to for purposes of arena.) A smart, dedicated player should be able to stay in the top 100, and then the top 50, after a certain amount of time, but I really don't have a good sense of what that amount of time looks like for somebody starting today.