"Astendb5;c-1982654" wrote:
Actually I have about 60 characters? I was mainly just looking for advice on who to farm.. not bothered about arena I just play for a bit of fun. What teams are good right now? That sort of thing.
If you are just looking to play for fun and aren't really concerned with PvP competitiveness/success, I would suggest farming the characters you like from Star Wars. Since you left there have been many additions, including major updates to the bounty hunters, sepratists, and the entire old republic era.
As for what teams are good right now, the Sith Empire team (Darth Revan, Malak, Fallen Bastila, HK-47, Sith Trooper/Marauder) is at the top of the arena meta, although a shift could be imminent to the recently released General Skywalker and the 501st clones.
Other top end teams: Jedi Revan lead jedi, Galactic republic under Padme, General Grevious (in a "nuke" droid team for arena, and a Sepratist droid team elsewhere), CLS rebels, and the Sith Triumvirate (Traya, Nihilus, Sion, +2 sith)
Outside of the top end the best squads to work on (in no particular order) would probably be:
Bounty hunters + their ships - Unlock chewie, the OT Falcon, help with credit heists and galactic bounties
Nightsisters - solid PvP team, 7* talzin will unlock an event for a few extra zeta mats per month
Old Republic - needed to unlock the Revans
JTR + Resistance - solid PvP, best Heroic Sith Raid phase 1 team, never know what else with Ep9
First Order - Needed for BB8 (gets JTR), also could get a bost with Ep9
Empire - unlocks R2D2 for Rebels, solid PvP team with a zeta lead Palpatine
Ewoks - Unlock C-3PO for Rebels/Galactic Republic
Finally, like another poster mentioned, linking your account to a swgoh.gg profile will help us help you.