"MightyWizard;c-1863153" wrote:
"Ultra;c-1862779" wrote:
"Aydnie;c-1862578" wrote:
why no synergy suggestion with Assaj ?-?
Would've been nice if Dooku gave Riposte to GG and Asajj for 2 turns too
That would be way overpowered. I'm already stoked that GG and Asajj counters one third of the time under Dooku. GG especially hits incredibly hard on his basic, as does Asajj once she gets ramped up and she has stun.
Oh and why have nobody on this thread mentioned zBSF yet? She fits perfectly into that team, sith leader and debuff synergies, and she brings arguably the most OP debuff in the game. Might be the best use of her yet outside of a DR squad.
I was thinking the same. With Dooku being able to distribute shock up to 2 enemies he and Bastilla Fallen can have a nice sinergy going on, plus Dooku can hide her from enemies attacks.