Forum Discussion

coolnessda's avatar
Rising Newcomer
5 years ago

Seemingly invincible toons

In rare cases where we have toons like nightsister zombie who cant be permanently defeated until all nightsister allies are dead or like droideka who can temporarily protect itself from harm due to its abilities (I've faced one in squad arena and had a hard time hitting it for a bit) what other characters have similar qualities that make them difficult to kill?
  • Malak with his constant health steal. Unmasked kylo if you do it wrong. Nest
  • Jango. DN if you use the wrong team and stack debuffs on Sion without having a proper damage output.
  • Zaalbar under a Zeta Carth lead can be a handful if you don’t bring the proper debuffs and potency.

    L3-37 is very tough at high gear levels, with stacking max health when she uses her basic (which she uses a lot due to combination taunt & counter) and a quick self-heal.

    Light-Side Scoundrels when paired with Vandor Chewbacca are automatically revived when they die if Vandor is alive, that’s a pain.

    Scariff Rebel Pathfinder is quite tanky and has a reliable self-revive, is EXTREMELY under-rated on a Bash Bros squad.

    Old Daka at g13 and relics and smart modding with her zeta becomes nearly unstoppable.