B1 droid battalion
Add a line to the end of this skill which reads 'Stacks of droid battalion are not effected by % damage based skills'.
Mods considered equal, Grievous teams are completely dominated by Traya lead sith squads. One of the main reasons for this is because Traya's leadership removes 8 stacks of droid battalion every time B1 assists (which is every ally turn). Then, every time Grievous takes a turn, another 8 stacks of droid battalion is removed.
Basically against sith, B1 is destroyed very early in this fight with almost no effort from the sith team. There is nothing you can do to stop this. In a nutshell, you are left with 4 droids, no healing, and one of them is isolated. You pretty much have no hope of winning this fight.
This tweak will allow B1 to survive much longer in fights and actually become a threat which sith teams need to consider.