9 years ago
Share your Hoth Soldier Squads
Hoth Soldier, that pretty guy at the back, you all know the one im talking about.
Wondering what squad people are putting him in to make him viable or even successful, I was hoping Ackbar lead but that may take a little more thought as is Soldier was in that'd kill the Leia surprise.
Possibly Ackbar(L),Leia,Soldier,Han,Rg or something to that extent. Though a Chewie or Ben/Han lead may also be successful.
Wondering what squad people are putting him in to make him viable or even successful, I was hoping Ackbar lead but that may take a little more thought as is Soldier was in that'd kill the Leia surprise.
Possibly Ackbar(L),Leia,Soldier,Han,Rg or something to that extent. Though a Chewie or Ben/Han lead may also be successful.