Forum Discussion

xDaymax's avatar
9 years ago

SHIP : Tie Fighter has 0 protection ?


Maybe it's a dumb question but why is the TIE FIGHTER the only ship with 0 protection, even though I have Tie Pilot Gear 9 (so over 10k Protection).

I've search here and on reddit but no one mention this.

13 Replies

  • The TIE's ions engines minimized power drain by lacking key systems such as hyperdrives and deflecter shields
  • The empire tie ship is one of the most annoying in the game. I always end up saving it for last because even at 35% evasion, when the AI is controlling it, it seems more like 70%. Don't even attempt to target this ship if it has a protection buff. The number of dodges and evades more than makes up for the lack of protection.