Forum Discussion

Ps2Moby's avatar
8 years ago

Ship Shard / Server

Are you on the Ships Shard/Server below ? and would like to be able to communicate with others in there.. RE: Payout times so they don't clash etc
Pls contact DM/PM
Pardey#6025 on Discord
LINE User ID Pardeygirl
Or Msg Here
01 TSK
02 TheOtherEL
03 Fighting Irish
04 Julius Caesar
05 Viv
06 Bulletstopper
07 hal2so2
08 PardeyGirl
09 DyperGhost
10 Parlance Lamont
11 M66
12 tjcc9269
13 CEO of Admirals Snackbar
14 AhnNuRie
15 BTJ
16 CloneAndreas
17 DR4L
18 YoJediDude
20 Muad'dib
21 Jac Cor
22 Escape
23 Strife
24 DoE Canisfenri
25 Tyrael