"Nokhai;d-159088" wrote:
I am having some ships problems : Vader's ship never dispels and always gets resisted.And i mean ALWAYS.My FOTP and TFP barely get a target lock (perhaps once every 10-15 battles).And somehow my TFP gets taken down rapidly (can't evade even Biggs's attack or Jedi Consular's ship attack for an example).What the hell is wrong with my ships?Because of all these bugs or whatever they are (even tho my fleet arena team has 407 k power i barely hit 180).Need HELP!
This has happened to me quite a bit recently when fighting ships with more stars or higher level. If the level difference between the ships is 2 or more (my Ties were level 78, and the enemy ships were level 80-81), they resisted even Vader's basic attack several days in a row. I was fighting the same fleet each day. My opponent's ships had a higher star count, one or 2 extra stars in some cases. Their ship tenacity was a bit higher than my ships' potency. That didnt explain why Vader's basic wasn't applying a target lock, though.
When I leveled up to 79, closing a bit the gap between ships' levels, target locks started to happen a bit more, but they are resisted more frequently than when fighting ships of an equal star count and level.
Definitely check your mods, 5 pips and level 15, give your target-locking pilots gear and max their abilities, etc etc. I believe there is also an algorithm working in the background related to ship differences in stars and levels and it could partially explain what is happening to you and me.