Forum Discussion

electricnick260's avatar
7 years ago

Sith Zetas

I currently have a very well built zaul team
7 Star G11 Zeta Maul (modded for health+speed arrow)
7 Star G10 Darth Vader (modded for health+speed arrow)
7 Star G11 Zeta Savage Oppress (modded for health+speed arrow)
7 Star G10 Dooku (modded for health+speed arrow)
5 Star G10 Darth Nihilus (modded for speed)
I should mention that I only don't use palp because he's low gear and low stars.
My average opponent is wiggs+leia+St Han+raid Han/ackbar
Also face other zaul teams with: Zaul lead+Sith Trooper+assassin+DN+Zavage/Vader.
Or I face Zeta Nihilus teams with a zeta on both his lead and his unique.

Is zeta nihilus worth getting for my team? The health down seems like it would help a lot, plus it triggers early cleanses in teams like ackbar or Chaze. Thoughts?
  • "Gjgfthbjgfbjvzsgbjuh;c-1372687" wrote:
    No. Use your sith is you must but I'd start working on something else. DN is a good toon but there are a lot of better zetas out there.

    +1. I’m a huge fan of Sith. However this game has a definite slant towards LS. With Maul and Savage already zeta’d, their really isn’t a good option. Not so sure DN’s health down will get you the return you’re looking for. I like DN’s lead zeta. However, think maul is more formidable in arena.

  • Well, I’ve had DN(lone sith) in my squad lineup since unlock until I just replaced him with MT. I never zetad his unique. I have decent speed relative to my shard and I take 1st on days it’s my turn. Most other DN’s around me have his unique zeta.

    It makes a difference. My DN rarely gets an annihilate off since only my CLS debuffs and combat analysis is zetad everywhere. Against me their similarily speeded DN’s get one(sometimes 2 annihilates off against me despite my efforts to stop it. We all run similar teams so it’s not poor compositions on my part.

    I won without it, but it is worthwhile for lack of a better place for it.
  • "Billcarson66;c-1373069" wrote:
    Well, I’ve had DN(lone sith) in my squad lineup since unlock until I just replaced him with MT. I never zetad his unique. I have decent speed relative to my shard and I take 1st on days it’s my turn. Most other DN’s around me have his unique zeta.

    It makes a difference. My DN rarely gets an annihilate off since only my CLS debuffs and combat analysis is zetad everywhere. Against me their similarily speeded DN’s get one(sometimes 2 annihilates off against me despite my efforts to stop it. We all run similar teams so it’s not poor compositions on my part.

    I won without it, but it is worthwhile for lack of a better place for it.

    My nihilus is modded to be super fast, him and zavage usually get to attack before anything else, and nihilus pops his aoe and shuts down most teams I face for their first turn, then he takes down any taunts I may see pop up and by that time has annihilate or is close to it. Is the zeta worth it for me since he's fast? I am approaching the CLS region of arena, is the health down helpful for him?
  • Nihilus unique zeta is handy, but don't expect it to be a big game changer for you. There are so many cleansers out there and tenacity up runs rampant so nothing happens often.

    That said, it's not worthless. As the fight progresses it may be your lone debuff on a drain, or help take down a Kenobi or Baze.
  • @electricnick260 I guess it depends on your shards r2 combat analysis zeta rate/GK rate/zarris rate. All three of those shut down the health reducing part of that with cleanses galore. My point was more about the ability to get an annihilate off. I struggled. Sure his dispell was nice and he is tanky, but many times I needed an annihilate and it was on cooldown. Had I put a zeta on his unique, many battles would have been easier

    As I also said, I still won without. So if you are winning and climbing higher each day without, skip it. It’s nice, but not necessary.
  • Maul is still good in all those new PvE content: TB DS, TW, HAAT P1. Siths are fun to play, and I consider to put a zeta on Maul now.
  • Nihilus' unique is huge if you're going to put sith assassin in. She does massive damage and ignores protection. I've gotten General Kenobis below 50% health to crush with Savage without having to bother with his protection thanks to this. It can also be pretty exciting to see raid han or cls' health look like that of an opponent from about stage 6 of ds/ls battles, especially when you can ignore protection. I'm sure there's a similar effect if you pair him with nightsisters. I actually remain relevant in arena with sith. I prey on General Zariss teams on offense with Nihilus lead, then switch to Maul lead on defense... not because no one can beat it, but because it's annoying enough to fight that people often leave it alone even in the teens/20s.

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