Forum Discussion

vincentlondon's avatar
5 years ago

SLKR with Daka/ zombie

I want to do an arena squad with SLKR Daka and zombie. Is it a good squad? What would be the best last 2 characters ?

3 Replies

  • it's very good, but not sure if better than just full FO or a combo like wat/malak, depending on opponent. It's a great 3-char gac squad.
  • If you use a SLKR, OD, Zombie line-up, it may be an one-hit kill by GS.
  • I wouldn't use it if you are going up against other GL's. Both GL's have no revive attacks. Both can land massive AOE.

    If you ant a "perma" tank, Geonosian Brood alpha works very good. Annoying. Against either GL but more so for Rey teams.