Forum Discussion

Bite_My_Hand's avatar
8 years ago

Some theory crafting on Chaze counters

Has anyone thought of a krennic lead, Dt, Palpatine, Vader, and fast SA team? Would palpatine apply ability block with his end of turn crackling? Just want some thoughts on this team, assuming SA goes first.

Edit: the main strength of this team is boosting palp and Vader to inflict ability block on the other team followed by krennic and dt for round 2 ability blocks. This was the main point discussed about krennic a lead when he came out.
  • The teams it would be facing are Rex Chaze R2 GK, wedge Chaze R2 GK, Other Rex teams, and GK R2 Chaze Nihilus
  • I think someone tested it and crackling doom deals damage outside of Palpatine's turn, so it doesn't inflict ability block. That is a cool team idea though
  • "slickdealer;c-1068502" wrote:
    Vader is useless vs triple and quad cleanse teams

    zVader dots can't be cleansed until DV dies, and Baze can also turn hots into dots, which will also stack if under zVader lead
  • I think that Shoretrooper or Sith Trooper would be better than Vader in that line-up. And even then I don't think they would win against triple cleanse more than 50% , in offense.
  • Having just unlocked Palpatine, palp + boba is a fairly lethal combination as long as boba is faster then chirrut with good potency. Ability block chirrut with jumping attack, shock baze, then let baze have it all next turn.

    Kylo also works amazingly with that setup as let the hate flow gives him offense up, and takes his health down below 100 percent. He can usually 1 shoot chirrut after baze is gone.

    Not end game though, so maybe it's different for the top end gamer.

    But lando lead, with boba, st han, palp, kylo has made any baze chirrut combo I run into quite killable.
  • B2 and R2 can work really well against them (I haven't tested this because my arena is all maul until the top 10 and I just assume that this should work). If you get buff immunity on both of them all you need to do is stun chirrut so he can't cleanse the debuffs anymore or counter attack. Although it seems like its a 10% chance sometimes to get buff immunity on BOTH of them at the same time.