Forum Discussion

BryanKing2015's avatar
10 years ago

Spenders vs Free to Play

I would like to address some issues that are starting to overrun the forums and I refuse to sugarcoat anything. So please keep responses civil and constructive as I will try my best to do as well. I want to prepare f2p for the upcoming changes and suggest possible solutions to help.

Free to Play

While it seems right now that f2p can be on par with p2p competitively I feel this is a temporary illusion. If you could imagine this game as a race with a 100 laps p2p jumped out to a lead early at launch. We all had our little chrono only 4-7* and for the first few weeks we dominated. But we hit the lvl 60 cap and f2p while quite away behind us lvl wise were given time to farm the easily attainable characters. Slowly you guys caught up to our level and also were given fairly strong characters to choose from to farm. It evened the playing field because p2p was stuck on the final lap.

Soon the level cap will be released and not long after a major update introducing new characters will also be added. You can bet those characters will be pretty powerful and/or complete team synergies. Here is where things start to get crazy.

Someif not most of those will be character packs. Some will be chrono only cards. Some will be farmable ingame. I want to prepare f2p that not only will the meta change the most powerful characters will also be the hardest to attain. You will see p2p with these characters almost immediately. And unlike f2p p2p will already have hard to attain characters that synergize well with the new characters..already unlocked. So while f2p can still be competitive at Lvl 70/80 it will be a long while before that is the case. You will hit 70 much later and you farm characters/gear at a much slower rate. So f2p will have to be comfortable with a "long haul" strategy instead of the quick competitiveness you were able to enjoy at launch.

You have two options as free to play. You can come to the forums and whine about how certain characters are overpowered and demand they are nerfed as many are doing now..which will fall on deaf ears to the developers and p2p players as that is how the game is designed. You get what you pay for just like anything else in life..this game is no different. If you think as f2p you will instantly be competive with someone who dropped 2k USD at level 70 you are sorely mistaken. They won't nerf hard to farm characters. They won't nerf chrono only characters. So do your best to deal with that fact by planning for the future. Sure you think FOTP is overpowered. Yours is 2* while p2p can be 5-7*. That's the way it's supposed to be. Whining won't change that. But farming his nodes everyday for the next few months and you too as a f2p player can enjoy FOTP in all his glory. Make sense? It's funny no one complained about how OP luminara has been since launch. Know why? F2p can easily attain her. Now if Luminara was chrono only or hard to farm best believe f2p would have been in an uproar.

This is not a soapbox post nor an instigating post. Just the cold hard truths that at some point f2p will have to accept and adapt. Or quit. I would like to make suggestions that might help for the future.

Some suggestions for f2p:

* All the characters you want nerfed or give you a hard time start farming them. Spend every last crystal on energy. It will take some months but eventually you will have them.

* Learn to let go of Luminara/Sid/JC. These characters are losing there places in arena quickly. They were great pre 60 but are getting outdated due to the meta changing to damage over defense. I would suggest investing in Poogle/ Poe/ FOTP. These will be staples at 70. Maybe not on the same team but you will find one in every team in my opinion at 70. As f2p you have almost every option at your fingertips just understand its going to take a long while....but it can be done.

* Spend money. This is your answer to 99% of complaints. Want that shiny toy everyone else has? Spend some money. Im not saying give your first born child in chrono cards but spend 5 bucks on a crystal sub. Invest it all in energy. Buy the occasional shards in shipments for characters you're farming. I mean what is 5 bucks? Thats nothing financially. But can speed things up tremendously!!

* Don't whine on the forums. " I spend no money but want to be equal with p2p" That's what I and most paying players..and I imagine the developers see when you guys complain about what you deem OP in a certain character. We didn't hear you guys complain about Luminara or Sidious and we all know why you didn't!

Take that negative energy and spend it asking how you could complete a team in the future that could counter the said character you complain about. Everything has a counter. Everything. Knowledge is power. The more you know the smarter decisions you will make on farming characters so in a few months you too as f2p can compete and beat the whales.

Pay to play

As p2p we all should help as much as possible to share our knowledge with f2p as we need them for the game to flourish. They are as important to the game as we are. Make guides..share counter strategies...don't flame frustrated players on the forums. I know some can't be helped and want everything for free..but many just want help and guidance. We should be there to guide the way and insure they are farming the right characters.

Please no flaming. I'm sure this offended some but it was meant to explain the reality of the future if f2p vs p2p. I didnt design the game, I'm just explaining how it is. So don't shoot the messenger:)

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