Forum Discussion

Shadowscream77's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

Splitting Empire & Sith (GA/TW)

I’ve neglected my Empire and Sith and am trying to address it!
Current teams:

  • zEP, zThrawn, Vader, TFP and Tarkin (and Royal Guard)
  • zVeers, Stark, Death, Storm, Snow (and Magma)

I’m about to get Traya and have Sion, Nihilus and Sith Trooper on farm.
How do I divide them up for TW/GA? Maybe:

  • Traya, Nihilus, Sion, Thrawn, Sith Trooper?
  • EP, Vader, TFP, Tarkin and Royal Guard?
  • Troopers the same...
  • I agree I use 5* IPD as my secret weapon on offense in GA. I usually put him with Royal Guard, Magnaguard +2 trash. He mostly survives to his turn then its boom and doom.
  • I use Gar Saxon as the lead plus IPD and RG. I'd say it's for the extra defense, but he's also the only other Empire leader I have thats not otherwise engaged. Nice hit squad to take out those pesky toons.
  • Here are a few Empire and Sith squads I use for TW:

    zPalp, zVader, zSion, zNihilus, Sith Trooper
    zVeers, Shore, Snow, zStark, Magma
    Krenic, Death, Royal Guard, TFP, Tarkin
    zMaul, Savage, Dooku, Sidious, Sith Assassin

    I will get Traya ready soon, and that will push Vader down to the Krenic team.
    Thrawn can sub in on any of these teams as an alternate, but I use him else where currently.