Forum Discussion

arcaronna1's avatar
7 years ago


hello, I have searched Google and have tried searching this message board as well, both to no avail. I've been playing for about two months but I have a question as to what the stats mean and if they can please be explained. I'm not looking for sarcastic answers like health means how much health a character has I understand that. But how does defense effect health and how does protection effect health, etc.

Also what is turn meter? Understand your character going but let's say 25% gain.

I would have assumed somewhere online or on the board there would be a list of every stat explained, but if it does exist I cannot find it. I tried Googling and searching this board for "stats explained", and "stat meaning", and though you get results if you click on it, it does not answer it. I'd really appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.
  • Scroll your way through all the different catergories and loads of answers to many questions can be found here

    Ive found hrs of reading hope it helps
  • Ok, this is a big one. There are a lot of stats in the game. Let's start with the basic 3 - strength, ability, and tactics.
    Strength effects your survivability. So, health, protection, defense. Tanks usually have this stat the highest.
    Agility effects physical damage. If your character inflicts that kind of damage with one or more of his attacks (most do), this stat is so important.
    Tactics effect special damage & resistance (armor against special damage). This stat is usually high in support toons, as well as toons that inflict special damage only (EP, Nihilus, Krennic).

    Defense is a stat that effect your armor and resistance. The higher it is, the less damage you'll take from attacks.
    Offense effects both physical and special damage.
    Armor penetration reduces the armor of the defending toon. This stat is more important against some toons than others.
    Speed is the rate your TM bar fills naturally. If, your example, 1 toon has 300 sure and another has 200, the first toon will go 1st, use his ability, and start refilling. When he'll reach 50%, the 2nd ton shall have his filled and take his turn.
    TM gain gives you a one time boost to the TM. In the same way, TM reduction gives you a penelty. None effect your speed, just the amount there's saved up.
    Health and protection do not effect one another. The rate is different between each toon.
  • Select a character and look at the bottom right hand side of the screen, you'll see a tab labeled stats. This tab when opened will show you that characters statistics and what each stat does for that specific character
  • When I read a stat, how do I determine the total number for that stat?
    If I see 150 (30) for Kylo Ren's speed, is that:
    a. 150 total, with 30 coming from mods
    b. 180 total with 150 from the character and 30 from his mods?