Forum Discussion

angelvazzana1's avatar
6 years ago

Stealth Nerfed GG

Ok I worked crazy hard and spent a pile of money on my GG. Got his G13 piece and put it on him. I was destroying DR/Malak. 32 battles 100% winning. Go in this morning and a friend messaged me saying his GG wasn't working good. Asked me to check mine. I go and fight a team and couldn't clear one character. I'm not joking guys not one. This guy I was fighting had way less gear then the huge whales in my shard horrible mods and only a 5* Malak. I got SS to prove it. CG stealth Nerfed GG. Please if you are one that got him to G13 and have noticed this chime in because this needs to be addressed and quickly. I've did 5 battles this morning all with the same results. Zero wins and not one toon removed and before anyone asks no I didn't change one mod and my GG is better then AhnoaldT