8 years ago
Surviving the Nightsister Meta with EMPIRE
With the Nightsisters around the corner, the meta is bound to shift. From what the Game Changers have showed us in their videos, it is apparent that healers are going to be essential to surviving the Nightsister Meta. Empire users like myself will most likely be using the following team. zGar Saxon, zThrawn, zDeath Trooper, and Director Krennic. Why Gar Saxon? Gar Saxon is going to give empire users 5% health back on a basic attack with the addition to 50% counter chance and 40% Defense. Like the CLS meta, counter will be huge and essential to healing your empire characters up and dispelling the Plague debuff given by Nightsisters. Why Thrawn? Thrawn is going to be essential to locking down the New Nightsister zombie tank. In addition thrawn will have Counter Chance above 100%. Why Death Trooper and why Director Krennic? The zeta for Death Trooper will allow himself to heal Director Krennic and himself to full as well as whenever Director Krennic is hit, Death Trooper will have a 50% chance to gain 100% TM. In addition the zeta for DT will prevent DK from getting critically hit. Why Shoretrooper? This goes without saying, healing is going to go a long way against Nightsisters. I hope this helps and sheds some light on players that have, or have been farming these Empire characters. Good luck, and AVENGE OUR EMPEROR!