Forum Discussion

  • I like Aurra Sing exactly as you wrote her, she seems balanced and has good synergy with the other bounty hunters without being a broken toon. Kind of reminds me of Sabine, useful but not OP, with decent synergy. I also like your use of expose for BH teams.

    Jango has potential but seems just too busy imo.
    -I don't know about two basics, as it causes nightmares for assisting/countering/AI/etc. Just keep his Westars, as speed down is nice for a BH team. AB would be nice, but I don't think any toon really needs 6 abilities, why break the mold.
    -It may be easier to just replace jetpack missile with whipcord, as the debuffs seem more consistent with the cord rather than a rocket. The Boba assist + stagger is nice, however, as is the TM gain allowing him to immediately trigger it.
    -His flamethrower ability is nice. I don't know if it needs TM gain, seeing as how it is good enough to almost match Sid's AOE.
    -I love his Mandalorian Armor ability, definitely solid gold there.
    -His leader ability is where I trip up. There is no other team or toon which allows for double leader abilities, and incorporating the second as Boba's (which is already really good) may be overkill. I'd be hesitant to introduce double-leader abilities, as this opens the floodgate for future toons to do the same. Then we're deep in the hole. In my opinion his leader ability needs an overhaul to provide BH with a new play dynamic, rather than piggyback on Boba's. Maybe start off stealthed with advantage for first turn (like ambush tactics) and add from there.

    Overall thanks for the read! I like both toons, and they are definitely needed! Keep the concepts comin!
  • "Kivoku;c-1020823" wrote:
    I like Aurra Sing exactly as you wrote her, she seems balanced and has good synergy with the other bounty hunters without being a broken toon. Kind of reminds me of Sabine, useful but not OP, with decent synergy. I also like your use of expose for BH teams.

    Jango has potential but seems just too busy imo.
    -I don't know about two basics, as it causes nightmares for assisting/countering/AI/etc. Just keep his Westars, as speed down is nice for a BH team. AB would be nice, but I don't think any toon really needs 6 abilities, why break the mold.
    -It may be easier to just replace jetpack missile with whipcord, as the debuffs seem more consistent with the cord rather than a rocket. The Boba assist + stagger is nice, however, as is the TM gain allowing him to immediately trigger it.
    -His flamethrower ability is nice. I don't know if it needs TM gain, seeing as how it is good enough to almost match Sid's AOE.
    -I love his Mandalorian Armor ability, definitely solid gold there.
    -His leader ability is where I trip up. There is no other team or toon which allows for double leader abilities, and incorporating the second as Boba's (which is already really good) may be overkill. I'd be hesitant to introduce double-leader abilities, as this opens the floodgate for future toons to do the same. Then we're deep in the hole. In my opinion his leader ability needs an overhaul to provide BH with a new play dynamic, rather than piggyback on Boba's. Maybe start off stealthed with advantage for first turn (like ambush tactics) and add from there.

    Overall thanks for the read! I like both toons, and they are definitely needed! Keep the concepts comin!

    Hey Kivoku! Thanks for your comments again my friend. I appreciate your openness and thoughts as it makes me rethink my work! I too think Aurra is pretty accurate and balanced. You're right about Jango with his good and bad aspects too... haha I was a bit hesistant on his double basics AND 6 moves. As for the AI/countering/assisting I think it would stick with his first basic with his Westar pistols and inflict Speed Down on those, but if the AI registers that an enemy has Speed Down on him already then it will do his 2nd basic. But even if it chose one randomly then you get what you get. I forgot to mention in the OP that they both do the same amount of damage. I think of Boba Fett as a handyman and if you read his comic books he was always coming up with new ways to get out of tough spots in battle and had an array of arsenal and tricks up his sleeve. Anyways, the 6 moves could be a too much so if they take away his whipcord in the end then I understand. I just think a long awaited Jango deserves AT LEAST one of the three: two basics, 6 abilities, or double leadership with Boba. I just gave him the entire cake in my post and he would be very OP if they released him how I wrote him up. But if they dumb him down a bit then he's playable. I'm just giving options out there. I don't think it should/would open a floodgate for more/future characters to "share" leaderships. Just make it unique for him and Boba and that's it. Many other factions have really unique abilities so let the Jango/Boba combo have theirs. Plus, this gives people incentive to level up the 2 most powerful BH in the galaxy. Again, it's the "whole cake" idea but we'll see how he turns out :) there are a lot of BH fans out there and it would be nice to see them rise to the top in Arena seeing how there isn't even a single BH squad in mine.
    I'll look into that jet pack replacement with whipcord and the TM on his flamethrower.
    Thanks again man!
  • Appreciate you guys adding feedback and thoughts on these articles. StarLord, aka dday, is taking on this role with the site which I think is an interesting addition to keep things fresh and keep ideas out there for all of us to review.