Forum Discussion

Vyrefire's avatar
9 years ago

Tank Mods, crit avoid or MOAR protection?

Basically the title, specifically talking about the Arrow mod (for discussions sake pls ignore the speed stat that may be present on this mod) lets preemptively agree that if your tank is ST Han use the speed one... Moving on, crit avoidance to negate the huge crits possible from droids and Rey etc, or use the protection aspect to just take them?

2 Replies

  • I'd like to hear thoughts on this too -- very torn. I think your 'ignore speed stat' doesn't work though, don't all tanks benefit from speed? I run both Poe and STH on my team, and I think both would be best fit with the speed mod in the arrow.
  • I wondered about speed myself and one of consider speed bad for taunting tanks. Slower turns means your initial taunt lasts longer but the second if you get one takes longer as well. This wouldn't apply to sth or rg though