8 years ago
Tenacity or HP mods for phoenix squad?
Hey all. So this is a very new team, I've only been playing for about 3.5 weeks. I just got my hera to 5* so I can get 5* mods now. In the mod challenges I am limited to HP mods (any char) or Tenacity mods (Rebels). I was quite determined to go HP, but I started wondering if Tenacity might be better?
I would be on the low on Kannan's recover HP when debuffed, but I was considering replacing him with my fresh Thrawn (5*). In all my Phoenix battles the main reason of losing would be overwhelming debuffs.
So guys and girls, keep in mind this is for a lower end team, not even 7*. Gear level is mostly tier 5/6. Can you show me the way?
I would be on the low on Kannan's recover HP when debuffed, but I was considering replacing him with my fresh Thrawn (5*). In all my Phoenix battles the main reason of losing would be overwhelming debuffs.
So guys and girls, keep in mind this is for a lower end team, not even 7*. Gear level is mostly tier 5/6. Can you show me the way?