My current team is Zeta Vader (L), TFP, Palp, Deathtrooper, Shoretrooper. Previously it was Boba instead of DT but I like the AOE dispell for auto taunters at the start as it also pushes back CD's on everyone that doesn't have a buff up. Also deathmark and daze/stun on rebels is excellent for all the wiggs/chazes in my shard. The real MVP of the squad has to be Shore tho. Without him I would struggle to stay top 20, as it is I can take first anyday I am able to play around payout and when I cant I dont drop below 5-7. Second mvp of the squad btw is my TFP who is modded for speed (250+). Getting his aoe out at the start and watching it drop the majority of the enemies TM is very satisfying.