8 years ago
The resurgence of Chaze
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair! Chaze is back, and my offical star of the new meta. Aoe dispell which gets rid of all those annoying buffs, the ability to regen 100% hp if you don't get t...
"ExarTheKun;c-1268192" wrote:
Have a Chirrut and Baze combo in my top ten. Runs zBarriss(L), zzR2, Chirrut, Baze and zzATF. They are there to keep Barriss alive for an extra turn. When it works, you usually spend two turns trying to kill his 60k health Barriss. In that time Ahsoka sometimes one shots someone. It's annoying, which is probably why people don't fight him much.
I run CLS(L), zHan, Leia, zR2 and GK. I only fight this team if it's in 1st because I don't enjoy spending three minutes hitting the same toon.