8 years ago
The resurgence of Chaze
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair! Chaze is back, and my offical star of the new meta. Aoe dispell which gets rid of all those annoying buffs, the ability to regen 100% hp if you don't get t...
"Napoli;c-1269964" wrote:"dad2my3;c-1269516" wrote:"Napoli;c-1269454" wrote:
However, I've heard they may have some increased viability at G12.
That's interesting. I heard that they intentionally gave them limited and unimpressive G12 increases as a way of nerfing them without actually nerfing them.
@dad2my3 - I know the Devs said that was the case for Wedge and Biggs who had enjoyed more than their time under the sun. However, I don't remember reading it about Chaze. Nonetheless, I haven't actually look at the G12 info the Chaze - just passing on what I've heard from some others who are pushing on with the move to G12. If anyone knows for sure, please post a comment.