8 years ago
Thermal Detonator Rework
We all know thermal detonators are one of the worst debuffs in the game. Here are a few ideas that I think would make them a useful debuff. 1. After a detonator explodes and does damage inflict stun...
"LRMoser;c-1164955" wrote:"PapiBlanco;c-1164126" wrote:
Thermal detonators are almost good as is, other than being unable to be cleansed and some lackluster TD moves (I'm looking at you nute gunray) they are fine. You don't complain about damage over time not doing enough damage even though a single TD is turn for turn better than a couple of DoTs. The problem with Detonators aren't the detonators themselves, it's the characters they're given to.
Other then zam and jaws scavenger every TD character just tosses them and that's it. It's like if Vader just places a few DoTs and that was it, no culling blade, no reapplying, nothing and for a while that's why Vader was useless until palpatine and his zeta came along. Greedo for example has a small chance to gain a small amount of TM from using it. So yeah, TDs suck if you don't switch up your team for them, same as how a damage over time team would suck without Vader or boba fett to cash in on everything.
@PapiBlanco I would respectfully disagree. DOT's design is to provide a little damage every turn. TD's provide a little damage after a few turns. While Vader did make DOT's more usable I am just suggesting (not complaining) a way to give the game more depth and strategy by changing TD's. Like you said most of the characters that give TD's they throw it and that is it. So, if that is the cause I think making them more impactful is important. You could add other abilities around them like Vader does with DOT's or attaching them to other abilities like DOT's but I think it is more interesting in making them a stand alone attack that after more time passes they become more impact. So Mob enforcer could have a 4 turn detonate that applies deathmark to primary target, then Greedo has a 1 turn detonate (because he puts them on all enemies) that will dispell any buffs on primary target, Jawa Scavanger unique could apply a 2 turn detonator that applies burning on primary target, Nute could have a 3 turn detonator that applies stun on primary target, and so on.