Currently Testing:
Zaul, Thrawn, Sith Assassin, Shore Trooper, DN
- Great on offense and like my Thrawn lead team, good counter to chaze, chirrut, gk, and rex squads
- The anti-crit makes a difference
- Not being sith, Thrawn is at greater risk when shore's taunt is off
Tested So Far:
Thrawn, Sun Fac, Sith Assassin, Shore Trooper, and DN
- great on offense and good counter to chaze, gk, chirrut, and rex based squads
- good TM gain when buff/debuff gain/lost
- Maneuver works really well for TM gain
Zader, Thrawn, Shore Trooper, DN, and Sith Assassin
- Strong offense but exposed against fellow empire (zader lead teams)
Thrawn Config
- Speed: 230
- Protection boosts in Triangle, Cross, and Circle (plus boosts in square and diamond)
- Moderate Tenacity
- SA and DN both have high speed (255 and 230 respectively)
Pending Testing:
Thrawn, Shore Trooper, Sith Trooper, DN, Sith Assassin
Thrawn, Shore Trooper, Sith Trooper, DN, EP
- Thrawn, DN, SA and EP all high speed (>230 each).