I didn't have PS strong enough to unlock Thrawn last time around so this time I also prepared. I managed to unlock him this time at 7* with Kanaan,Chopper, & Zeb at G8, Hera G9, and Ezra G10. Took me two tries (on last level) and I had to throw my arena mods (Ezra/hera with ~200spd) onto the team in order to make them strong enough. RNG did play a part, but its doable. More importantly the difficulty is just right- not too hard but hard enough that completing the mission was rewarding. I can safely say that based off of all the preparation videos I watched and my experiences in completing the challenge, the difficulty of the event had not changed from what was to be expected. It was fair and well balanced. The DT's with the buff have to go ASAP then drop the rest of Thrawn's protection detail.