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Dimka234's avatar
9 years ago

To Farm or Not to Farm? How to Mod Every Char? Who to Farm? All Charachters' List

A small FAQ for beginners.
It reflects the position of the majority of top players
If there is "don't farm" it doesn't mean that a char is bad. It only means that considering lack of resources it's better to farm other chars for beginners.
check for more information about chars

!!!The chars inside the fractions are ranked from top ones to useless ones!!!

Rebels – very strong

* Commander Luke Skywalker - farm. Very strong at arena as a leader of rebels, in raids (best for rancor), GW and Territory battles (TB). Crit damage and speed so that to heal himself more often and hit hard
* Wedge Antilles - farm, pilot,, a great synergy with Biggs, strong AOE, a lot of speed (see unique ability) and good leader. Can be used everywhere. Needs crit damage, speed and crit chance because his main function is to produce enormous damage
* Biggs Darklighter - farm, pilot, but only with Wedge, good against those who crit. Very strong 2nd skill. Also has much speed from Wedge's unique ability. Needs speed and crit damage so that to use his 2nd skill more often and hit hard
* Chirrut Imwe - farm. Has a great synergy with Baze. Is cool in p2 or p4 of AAT with rebels and at arena. Very strong. Need speed, crit damage and hp so that to reduce cooldowns of 2nd (dispel) and 3rd (high damage) skills quickly. And health since he is squishy
* Baze Malbus - farm. A tank with taunt (also has a taunt at the start of an encounter, like shoretrooper) and great self-heal, + synergy with Chirrut. Hp and speed so that to live longer and dispel more often
* Ahsoka Tano Fulcrum - farm, a very strong char. Good with rebels at arena, but they need very good mods. Crit damage, offense and speed so that to go often and be able to one shot enemies
* Han Solo – farm, very strong, useful with his first turn shot at arena. Good in raids, can reduce tm. Needs crit damage, crit chance, hp and speed so that to get TM from 2nd skill, produce high damage and live longer
* Princess Leia - farm, good at arena and in p4 AAT with clones. Doesn't need potency. Needs crit damage and speed so that to hit hard and gain stealth asap
* * Lando Calrissian – farm, good leader and very strong AOE, a top char for beginners, easy to farm. Also good at 85 lvl but not meta right now. Needs crit damage, crit chance and speed because his strong AOEs should crit at least 2 times so that not to have cooldowns
* Stormtrooper Han - farm, one of the most powerful tanks. Needs speed, potency and tenacity (in descending order, so that to go first granting allies 30% TM, be able to reduce TM (skill «Bluff») and prevent himself from being shocked or becoming buff immune since in this case he is useless
* Jyn Erso - farm, pilot. Not bad as a rebel leader, with those who buff a lot (like Chirrut). However she is not an imba, although she is cool on rancor due to turn meter reduction. Also can be used at p1 AAT. Needs crit chance (to revive, stun and get potency) and speed (to go very often)
* Admiral Ackbar - farm, good leader. Fleetcommander. Nice skills though is not used often at 85 lvl. Speed and hp so that to dispel and get Tactical Genius more often and live longer
* Rebel officer Leia Organa - farm, seem to be strong at arena. Needs crit chance and speed so that to aoe more often
* Captain Han Solo - farm for TB. A good support, needs health and speed since most of his skills are health based
* Cassian Andor - farm for TB, a pilot. A good debuffer with synergy with K-2SO, but doesn't seem like a meta shifter. Cool at p1 AAT. Potency and speed so that to land all his debuffs more often
* Bistan - farm only because he is a pilot. Though he is good at rancor raid as a TM reducer. Potency and speed to reduce TM as often as possible
* K-2SO - Farm for TB, a pilot. Taunts only when attacks, so if he is stunned, no taunt. Potency, speed and hp so that to inflict daze and offense down more often and be quick so that to taunt more
* Hoth rebel scout - farm for TB, mediocre. Speed, potency, crit chance so that to grant allies TM, be able to stun and get TM from critical hit
* Hoth rebel soldier – Farm for TB. Speed, hp and crit chance so that to taunt asap due to low basic speed, live longer and be able to inflict offense down
* Bodhi Rook - farm, not bad against those who evade much (siths under zMaul, old Ben). Speed and potency so that to inflict evasion down and remove turn meter more often
* Skarif Rebel Pathfinder – farm, pilot. not bad in p2\p4 AAT. Speed, hp and potency so that to grant allies TM, gain taunt more often and be able to inflict offense down
* Luke Skywalker - do not farm. Crit chance and speed since most of his skills are critical chance based
* Pao - do not farm, seems weak. Speed and potency to inflict debuffs and grant offense up
* Lobot - do not farm. Speed and hp so that to dispel debuffs more often and live longer

Clones - good at arena, GW, p4 aat with Leia. 5 clones is not the best team at arena though

* Rex - farm, pilot, a strong leader for arena, good in raids, needs potency and speed so that to reduce TM as often as possible
* Fives - farm, pilot, a strong char, used in different squads. Needs Omega in 1 skill and crit damage with crit chance. And don't forget about potency to land speed down. Or usually people put health and protection so that to make him a very tough guy (especially with barris zeta)
* Cody - farm, only with other clones. A good clone leader with zeta ( Also nice when Rancor or Tanks is toppled\under the door Speed, hp, crit chance so that to use the 212th attack as often as possible, live longer and be able to stun
* Clone Sergeant - farm, pilot, strong dd (not only with clones). not bad in rancor raid with his damage and tm reduction. Crit damage, crit chance, offense and potency so that to hit hard, be able to reduce TM via AOE and grant himself TM from basic attack
* Echo - farm, only with other clones. A good support dispeller who needs speed, hp and crit damage since he always assists and these assist should be strong and should be able to dispel buffs more often

Droids - were strong at arena (6-7/10), GW and AAT raid (2 and 4 phases)

* the best squad - HK-47 leader, B2, jawa engineer, IG-88, IG 86 (or instead of IG-86 use Chief Nebit, Grievous, MagnaGuard)

* R2-D2 - farm, a strong support. Good at arena (especially against chars with evasion) and AAT raid (p2, p4). Nice zetas. Needs speed, hp and potency so that to go first, stun as often as possible and do his aoes
* HK-47 – farm, the best leader for droids, much better than Poggle (leader skill at maximum because that makes droids get 50% turn meter after they crit). Needs potency to land debuffs and adjust speed so that he goes before IG88 since IG88 is stronger against debuffed enemies
* IG-88 – farm, the main Damage dealer (dd) of droids. Needs crit damage, crit chance, hp and potency in order to have strong critical hits, live longer and be able to land debuffs. If possible – also speed.
* B2 - farm, very useful and strong char at arena, dispels buffs, often gain 100% turn meter. Perfect against tanks. Can be used in any squad. Hp, potency and tenacity to live longer, be able to inflict buff immunity and not get shocked because then he doesn’t receive TM while allies are hit
* Chopper - farm. A very fast tank with interesting abilities. Speed and health so that taunt and dispel more often
* IG-86 – farm. Also very strong dd that can call assist. Needs crit damage, crit chance, hp –same as IG-88 but without debuffs
* General Grievous - a long time to farm, you can deal without him, though a good leader against AOE crit Meta. Potency, speed and hp to inflict all his debuffs and live longer
* K-2SO - see rebels
* IG-100 MagnaGW – do not farm, although there are some people who use him. Potency, speed and crit damage to remove TM and inflict offense down and hit hard

Empire – strong. Used in events, arena, raids

* Emperor Palpatine - farm. Very strong at arena. Good leader for empire, needs speed (should go first to stun everyone) and some potency if he is not a leader to be able to stun and shock. Also very useful at p3 AAT with Chirpa (needs crit chance and crit damage there)
* Shoretrooper - farm. A strong tank, has a taunt before any opponents have their turn. Also can grant crit immunity for allies. Protection, health, and if possible speed so that to live as long as possible and taunt more often
* TIE pilot - farm, pilot. Very strong and fast dd that can reduce tenacity and inflict ability block. Good with debuffers and with Palpatine leader. His tenacity down depends only on crit and not on potency. Also cool in raids. Needs crit damage, speed, crit chance so that to hit very hard and very often. He doesn’t need additional potency since his basic one is more than 50% that is ok. Under Palpatine leader it is even more than enough
* Darth Vader – farm, a very strong pilot. With Palpatine he can hit really cool 1 or 2 times. Also is cool in raids with zeta on his leader skill ( Crit damage, crit chance, speed and potency so that to hit very hard with a 3rd skill and be able to land DOTs and speed down
* Grand Admiral Thrawn - farm. A strong char, good for tank raid. Nice at arena. Needs speed and health\protection so that to fracture asap and live longer
* Royal Guard – farm, one of the best tanks at many levels. has an auto-taunt when allies become <50% hp. Also can stun. Needs protection and potency to live longer and stun
* Grand Moff Tarkin - farm, Fleetcommander, a good leader for empire squad and performs not bad at GW and arena. Speed, potency, crit damage to remove TM and inflict offense down more often and have some damage
* Director Krennik - farm, a nice leader for empire, a great synergy with Deathtrooper. Perfect with palpatine, tie pilot, shoretrooper. A cool zeta on leader skill. Speed and potency to land all his debuffs
* Deathtrooper - farm, a strong debuffer. Very good with Krennik, especially with zeta. Crit damage and crit chance or protection mostly if you have a zeta on his unique, so that Krennik live longer (zeta - Krennik can't be critically hit while DT is alive)
* General Veers - farm as a leader to imperial troopers, not bad with them. Potency, speed, crit damage in order to inflict ability block more often and have some damage
* Gar Saxon - do not farm, seems mediocre now (may change). Crit damage, crit chance and potency so that to hit hard when assist and be able to reduce tm
* Imperial Super Commando - do not farm. Crit damage, potency and speed so that to hit hard when counter and attack twice, be able to inflict offense down
* Magma-trooper - do not farm. Crit damage, potency and speed so that to hit hard, remove TM and do it quickly
* Snowtrooper- do not farm. Crit damage, potency and speed to hit hard and be able to inflict buff immunity
* Stormtrooper - do not farm. HP, speed, potency, so that to live longer, taunt faster and be able to remove TM while taunting

Sith – strong at arena

* Emperor Palpatine - see above
* Dart Nihilus - farm. An interesting char with nice abilities. Can one shot an enemy (except a boss), but need a team with AOE debuff (like palpatine, tie pilot, vader, b2, r2d2) to reduce cool down of this one shot ability. If he is your leader - DO NOT put crit chance and crit damage mods on siths. Needs speed and hp to go faster and live longer so that to one shot more
* Darth Maul - farm, pilot, strong against Jedi and nice sith leader with zeta. Crit damage and speed so that to destroy everything
* Darth Vader - see above.
* Sith trooper - farm in a sith squad, a nice tank. Is good under Nihilus leader because then he taunts faster and more often. He needs hp and tenacity, because his taunt is too dependent on a buff on him, so you don't want him to get buff immunity or shock.
* Sith Assassin - farm in a sith squad. A very fast damage dealer, also good in a squad with maul zeta leader, because her mechanics are based on stealth. Needs damage, speed and potency to go often, strong and be able to stun
* Darth Sidious - do not farm, until you are 85 lvl. He was buffed a little bit and is used in raids with Vader with zeta. Crit damage, potency, speed so that to hit hard, often, and be able to land debuffs
* Savage Opress - do not farm until lvl 85. Though he is good against siths under Nihilus leader or Zeta Maul, because he can one shot enemies (except bosses) with 50% less hp (see nihilus leader skill). Very difficult to kill him if has a zeta. Crit damage and speed so that to hit hard and be able to one shot more often
* Count Dooku – do not farm, used to be very strong at arena. Now is used only with Siths on 85 lvl. A nice leader and was buffed recently. Crit damage and potency so that to counter attack hard and be able to stun

Ewoks - nice in raids, and bad at arena.

* Teebo – farm, one of the best leader in rancor raid (though not used often now on high-end because of Vader Zeta). 70-75% potency is enough for T7 rancor and 40-50% for Gamorrean captain. Needs potency and speed to reduce TM as often as possible
* Chief Chirpa - farm, best leader for p3 AAT (doesn't need special mods there, only leader skill. Can die first). a strategy. Speed and hp to call assist more often. Actually he is used only in p3 AAT and doesn’t need mods at all there
* Ewok Elder - farm, good in rancor raid with Teebo especially. Also can be used at arena due to dispel of debuffs and revival. Needs speed and HP to be faster and granting TM to all allies, and to be able to dispel and revive more often. Also HP since his healing is based on his own HP
* Logray - farm, a good support-debuffer. Needs speed and potency so that to debuff more often
* Wicket - do not farm, mediocre. Needs crit damage and speed as a normal damage dealer
* Paploo - do not farm, mediocre. HP and speed so that to dispel more often and live longer
* Ewok scout - do not farm, not bad in rancor raid, but not great. Needs potency and speed – same as Teebo but less effective

The First Order – were buffed in february 2017. Seems like still weak

* Kylo Ren - farm. Was buffed in February 2017, goof against debuffers. Can solo p1 AAT. Crit damage (3rd skill hits very hard), potency (inflict healing immunity and DOTs) and speed to be faster
* Captain Phasma (she is a woman) – farm, one of the very useful for all the activities. For the raid needs potency and doesn't need speed (her basic only grants TM to a boss). Not bad as a leader at low and medium levels. At arena – speed and potency to use Victory march as often as possible
* First order TIE Pilot - farm, strong pilot. Good at p1 AAT. Needs speed and crit damage to destroy everything
* First order officer - do not farm. Speed, potency and crit damage so that to grant TM and reduce allies’ cooldowns more often and be able to remove tm and have some damage
* First order stormtrooper - do not farm, though can be a good tank at arena. Hp, speed (taunt faster and dispel buffs), crit chance and potency (to inflict speed down)

Geonosians - some good chars

* Sun Fac - farm, pilot, heavy tank, dispels all positive effects with auto attack. Good at arena and p3 AAT. Needs protection and speed to live longer and dispel buffs more often
* Geonosian soldier - farm, pilot. Strong dd, goes often, calls an assist. Need him at GW, deals good at arena and in rancor raid. A very useful char that is easy to farm (though not used at 85 lvl). Needs crit chance and crit damage +speed so that to hit hard and get tm while scoring critical hits, and go more often
* Geonosian spy - farm because a pilot. Can be good at arena and hit strong 1 or 2 times . Crit damage, crit chance, speed so that to be able to repeat the hit like on the .gif
* Poggle the lesser - do not farm, his time has passed. Speed, hp, potency so that to inflict ability block and speed up droids more often

Jawa - not bad in AAT raid. In addition you need them for crit damage mods. 5 jawas are bad at arena

* Jawa Engineer - farm, obligatory with droids at arena. Very good at p2\p4 aat raid with droids. Speed and hp so that to go first, use 3rd skill and grant droids 45% TM. Also to revive more often and live longer
* Chief Nebit - farm, good with droids. Protection and speed to taunt asap and live longer calling an assist
* Jawa Scavenger - farm for AAT raid and mods, needs speed, hp, and potency to be able to place bombs and explode them more often
* Dathcha - farm, not bad as a leader for p3 AAT if you don't have chirpa\palpatine. Needs crit damage, potency and speed – a mere damage dealer that can stun and inflict ability block
* Jawa - farm, he is also good in raids. Crit damage, speed, potency – same as Dathcha but speed down instead of ability block

Phoenix - seam not so strong now, though abilities are interesting. Need 5 for TB

* Hera Syndulla - farm, a good leader for Phoenix, because each proenix grants his uniqe to other phoenix members until she is alive. Speed and health\protection so that to expose, backup and call assist more often and live longer in order to save her leader buff
* Ezra Bridger - farm, a good dd. Crit damage. speed and tenacity, so that to dispel and call assist more often
* Kanan Jarrus - farm, a good tank. If Hera is a leader grants all phoenix members 70% counter chance. Protection, speed and crit chance so that to live longer, taunt more quickly and inflict offense down regularly
* Sabine Wren - farm, has a nice unique that is good to be granted to phoenix (25% crit damage and 25% crit chance), crit damage and speed so that to aoe more often and hit strong from her basic (up to 5 shots per turn)
* Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios - farm, a tank with strong defence unique. Though doesn't have a taunt. Health\protection, potency and speed so that to live longer, be able to daze and stun
* Chopper - farm. Though he has a taunt (1 turn) he is very fast and so this taunt will not last for long. Can dispel buffs and reduce allies' cooldowns. Protection and maybe speed so that live longer and taunt more often

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