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LiquidDeath29's avatar
8 years ago

Transitioning to Heroic Aat Raid?

My guild has heroic aat raid in our sights. But are we ready? We're not sure... we have 50 members, we've been completing normal aat raid in about 2 days give or take a little. We tried heroic once, a while ago to see where we stand and we got about half way. How does damage in normal aat compare to herioc att? A ratio? Anyone have any advice?
  • Jefferx_CAN's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    We manage our first haat today !!!
    Our last try was 6 weeks ago and we were unable to complete phase 4. (20% remaining). Normal aat was completed in 2-3 hours at that time. What you need is 10 member that have very strong team. Resistance with zfinn, princess zody, zader. Thrawn. Zkylo phase 1 is necessary so you need some member with zkylo. We manage p3 a way better since we have a whale that do have thrawn 7*. He mostly solo p3 phase. I do have thrawn 7* i did not have the chance to try it in phase 3.... because of that we easily manage haat now.

    If you can't complete naat in a few hours and you don't have those specific toon from a couple of your member, you will not be able to manage haat now
  • Here's what you need guild wide for the least amount of teams necessary:

    Phase 1 - 1 Zavage or 1 zKylo (Zavage is safer because he is less likely to die)

    Phase 2 - 10 zFinn Resistance or zVader teams. zVader teams are harder to get big, big damage. Possibly some Jroid teams to finish up.

    Phase 3 - if nobody has 7* Thrawn and god mods, you will need 25 chirpatines or Teebo L/EP/TFP/2 taunter teams. These teams need to average 4%. Tanks NEED to be g10 on average. EP and TFP NEED to be g10 (and really g11 to ensure 4%)

    Phase 4 - 10 princess Zody teams (less with god mods). Also, 30 good rebel teams can substitute if you have good mods. Less rebel teams are needed if you have a few Baze's, even less if you have Chaze's.

    There are other ways to brute force it harder, but doing it this way, you can have one member focus on a team and get there much faster if you allocate your zetas wisely to the resistance/Vader/clone teams.
  • The first heroics are the hardest.

    Our guild started hardcore with "strats" and stuff but now we run HAAT like a normal rancor.

    My 2 Million NAAT p3 team does 400k in HAAT for reference, although the 2 mil could have been a result of amazing RNG
  • First HAAT is the toughest. After that your guild figures out what teams are need to complete which phase.

    My guild tried a HAAT to figure out where we were. When we failed we regrouped and worked on specific teams for each phase. I went to and used this as a guide to help my guild build their teams. We tried a HAAT once a month for a few months. when we were close the Leader brought in a Merc to help us coordinate our attacks and get us over the hump. After that we did a few more HAATs to make sure we could complete it. Now we have it on farm.

    It takes serious commitment from your guild as a whole but it can be done. I would also recommend using an outside app for communication. this helps keep everyone on board. Also, don't be afraid to remove players that don't want to work as a team.
  • Furthermore, until youcan clear the heroic raid with ease, you could demand, that all your members switch around their mods so that they always use their best mods on whatever team they are attacking with. There's a significant difference between using mediocee and your best mods.

    Also, if you have a bad/unlucky attack them retreat and repeat it instead of registrering this bad attack.
  • The normal att is no measure for the HAAT. My guild just barely finished our first HAAT. We finish the normal att in less than 1 hour.

    Fase2 and Fase4 on the normal it can be done by 1-2 people whom ever is lucky to catch the beginning.

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