You really want Grandmaster Yoda. But he’s pretty easy to get, any two Jedi added to Ezra, Kanan, Old Ben should earn him.
After that, with a shard as young as yours sounds, you should be good to go in Arena with Bastila, Ezra, Yoda, Kanan, Old Ben. AhnaldT101 showed that that team works, though it isn’t the absolute best.
Granted, it may be a decently long farm to get that far (Old Ben isn’t too easy, and you need 5 5* Jedi just to unlock Yoda) but you’re moving in the right direction. You need Old Ben for CLS anyway, so no reason not to farm him. I’d say you should consider farming Luminara as a Jedi lead for unlocking Yoda, just because she’s so easy to get. You won’t use her much later, so just don’t worry too much about gear. I still have mine only at G6. (For a fifth it’s up to you. I think I used Ahsoka, who I farmed also for her ship.)
Bastila is just a super lead. Far better once you Zeta her lead, because you are virtually immune to debuffs. A great counter to Palp (I say from experience—I’m running her in a Palp shard myself). Holds decently on defense too.
Good luck.