Forum Discussion

SWGregoriou's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
7 years ago

Trying to figure out my first purchase with real ££

Hey all,

So I am fairly new to this game and I would like to unlock and upgrade every single character in the game to lvl 85 and gear 12 with mode/zetas...etc and its taking forever on F2P only, but I have a fair amount done so far and I decided maybe it would be quicker and it would be nice to give something back for this game as I get so many hours of use out of it.

The problem is that I cannot find anything worth purchasing, and I am trying so hard to do so.

1) the packs do not offer anything of worth for the characters as they are starter packs and items that I already have plenty of or would receive within 5 seconds such as gear for the characters, plus the offer is only for between 10? and 333 shards and you always get the low end of that amount from what I understand.

2) There are a few other packs that look good such as a mega pack that would guarantee a character, hopefully baze, but there is no guarantee and I could end up with a duplicate.

So the only logical thought of my was to purchase crystals for gear purchases, but the gear items can cost 3k+ which that amount of crystals would cost £20 for 2,800 is it? I forget... but with that amount you purchase one single piece of gear which only fills one SLOT rather than being able to upgrade X character from gear 11 to 12 for example.

Are mod packs worth purchasing at 999 crystals? none of my characters have mods as I am wanting to get gold 5 dot mods only rather than anything else.

If there was more of a gain for my £££ I would probably be a "whale" and purchase all the time. What do people here purchase with your local currency?

8 Replies

  • I'm new, but the general consensus was to spend money on energy refills. They suggested buying a character when it's a good deal and you flat out get it, not the 5-330 shard gamble.
  • What level are you now? Probably the best thing to spend in this game is £20 on crystals when you start, buy extra refils every day and get a couple of level advantage over your shard and take a good rank every day at your payout. The earlier you do that the better.

    Otherwise when there is an offer with a guaranteed amount of shards for a character that will make a difference.

    The emperor's demise bundle may be worthwhile to a newer player at the moment who want to spend. Shards of 3 characters needed for cls event and 2 required by lstb.

    Personally i spent a bit when i started my account and havent spent since.
  • "Naraic;c-1452865" wrote:

    The emperor's demise bundle may be worthwhile to a newer player at the moment who want to spend. Shards of 3 characters needed for cls event and 2 required by lstb.

    Personally i spent a bit when i started my account and havent spent since.

    Would it still be worth it if I already have StHan? I was thinking about buying that bundle or darth Vader, or waiting for something else.
  • At the start i spend to buy vault, then i buy stuff here and there. Please remember that anything yield in random result are not worth it. Gear, mod, chronium, and everthing with "get bla bla with chance to get bla bla".

    But it is worth to buy pack that have guarantee x shard, etc, and everthing that come with "guarantee", not "get chance". I'm now buy crystal pack just to buy energy refresh.
  • "RaylekZen;c-1452883" wrote:
    "Naraic;c-1452865" wrote:

    The emperor's demise bundle may be worthwhile to a newer player at the moment who want to spend. Shards of 3 characters needed for cls event and 2 required by lstb.

    Personally i spent a bit when i started my account and havent spent since.

    Would it still be worth it if I already have StHan? I was thinking about buying that bundle or darth Vader, or waiting for something else.

    I don't know. Its one of the better bundles in store for a while.

    Ask yourself the following questions

    1. Are you happy in your Guild? If no and you want to move to a better guild the hoth bros are required by many guilds for lstb.

    2. Do you want cls? When do you think the cls event will come next (say late April early may is my guess with r2d2 just before it but it's only a guess). Will you be ready for it?

    3. Are you using a rebel team that an extra star of leia/sth will have a positive effect.

    It's all about your own circumstances whether you buy or not.
  • I just started a couple days ago, so i'm not entirely sure if I'll be ready for an event. Only level 37, but I think I'll end up buying the bundle just to be safe.

  • "RaylekZen;c-1452908" wrote:
    I just started a couple days ago, so i'm not entirely sure if I'll be ready for an event. Only level 37, but I think I'll end up buying the bundle just to be safe.

    that bundle will not even be enough to unlock Palp, let alone get him 7 starred. I am also quite new, 1 month in the game, and the rule of "only spend on refreshes" has proven itself more times than once. Lets number crunch:

    Emperor's demise bundle costs 40$. You get 30 Hilbilly luke shards, 25 Liea, 30 SThan, and 2x50 Hoth bros. 2k crystals and 1.5m creds. Looks good.
    While there is not a crystal pack for 40$, you have either 2x chests worth 5600 crystals. If you take the 50$ pack and multiply it by 0.8 (take 10$ off) you get 5900 crystals. Lets substract 2000 crystals from the first pack for the sake of comparison. Putting 3900 crystals in comparison to the shards you get.
    3900 crystals nets you 39x120 = 4680 cantina energy or 9360 normal energy. I normally spend my gems in the cantina for the phoenix squad I am building. So for 4700 cantina energy you get:
    It is safe to assume you get 1 shard per 4 cantina attempts. While it is RNG this has proven to hold in my case. Sometimes I do 20 runs and get 3 shards. Sometimes I get 8 shards per 15 runs. You could even push for 1 shard per 3 runs but I would not stretch it that far. So lets say 1 per 4, 146.8 shards. If done on 1 per 3, 195.8 shards. This was calculated using the lowest cantina battle cost, 8 energy. You will also get 13 cantina shop tokens per run, so 7640 cantina tokens. That is 95 shards for any toon out of the cantina shop.
    You also get A LOT of XP, which is crucial to this game. More important than any shard you can get for a starting player. Soon you will hit 40 and unlock GW, which is a good source of shards and crystals and a lot of other things if you can clear it. But wait, there is more!
    You also get credits, upgrade tokens, training bots, Everything a growing player needs in his diet.
    So you get 185 fixed shards that dont add up to even clearing first 3 levels of the event, creds and crystals that we removed for the same of comparison. For those shards and creds you get 150 shards of your choosing, as long as you can farm them, 95 shards of your chosing as long as you can buy them from the cantina shop, XP, training bots, creds. You can use the normal refreshes also which will yield more shards in total, but they are not as easily farmable since you are limited to 5 attempts per day.
    The downside of refreshes is that after 3 refreshes the price goes up, this was calculated with 100 crystal refresh price. It will take you 2 weeks to be able to spend it all on the 100 crystal price. A small price to pay, but you might be in a rush. Personal taste.

    Even whales and year-long players will tell you that this game is a marathon and not a sprint. It will take time investment to progress no matte how much you spend. So I favor refreshes. Once again, personal taste.
  • Damn I thought I was set on buying the pack but when you put it like that I'd rather be patient and farm lol. Thanks for the number crunch. I'll probably end up buying a vault and Vader and go from there.