6 years agoSeasoned Veteran
Turn Meter / Speed confusion... what is going on? Help plz
I know there are a lot of variables below, but I have seen huge inconsistencies in arena and other events with this squad, sometimes Paploo goes first as he should... other times C3PO is first, and other times Wicket..... While many of you will not believe it, my Ewok squad below normally beats CLS rebel lead, but this guy beat me twice and I can't understand what's happening with turn order..... can someone explain?
I recorded the start of the second game to analyze it, and here is what happened... I will post the video when I get more time.
My team
Every basic attack from my squad should grant them 20% turn meter from Chirpa. Wicket grants 10% ™ from critical hits, and Elder grants 25% from basics on entire team (60% chance).
CLS - grants 10% and 5% TM when allies get hit or resist debuffs. In this match, almost 0 debuffs were resisted.
Based strictly on Speed, the order should be:
OP - Han Shoots First -
ME - Paploo - speed 279
ME - C3PO - speed 265
ME - Wicket - speed 259
ME - Chief Chirpa - speed 258
ME - Ewok Elder - speed 246
OP - R2D2 - speed 253
OP - Chewbacca - speed 238
OP - Commander Luke - speed 234
Actual Game Play Order as it occurred:
OP Han Shoots First - Stuns Chief Chirpa
ME - C3PO (1) attack (applies 3 debuffs, no TM bonus from CLS)
ME - Ewok Elder (1) attacks (no turn meter bonus)
OP - CLS (1) Attacks
OP - R2D2 (1) uses special ability (no turn meter bonuses)
ME - Paploo (1) attacks (applies 3 debuffs, no TM bonus from CLS)
OP - C3PO (1) uses special calling assists
OP - Han Solo (1) uses special
ME - Wicket (1) attacks, calling Ewok Elder to assist (turn meter bonus applied to team)
OP - CLS (2) Attacks
ME - Ewok Elder (2) uses special, calls assist from Paploo (debuffs applied, no CLS bonus)
Off the bat, why is C3PO first, followed by Elder? That already seems out of order. Elder is slower than Wicket and Chief Chirpa.......
I recorded the start of the second game to analyze it, and here is what happened... I will post the video when I get more time.
My team
- Chief Chirpa (lead) - speed 258
- Wicket - speed 259
- Paploo - speed 279 (223 base speed +25% when he does not have taunt)
- Ewok Elder - speed 246
- C3PO - speed 265
Every basic attack from my squad should grant them 20% turn meter from Chirpa. Wicket grants 10% ™ from critical hits, and Elder grants 25% from basics on entire team (60% chance).
- Commander Luke - speed 234
- Han Solo - speed 194
- Chewbacca - speed 238
- R2D2 - speed 253
- C3PO - speed 207
CLS - grants 10% and 5% TM when allies get hit or resist debuffs. In this match, almost 0 debuffs were resisted.
Based strictly on Speed, the order should be:
Actual Game Play Order as it occurred:
Off the bat, why is C3PO first, followed by Elder? That already seems out of order. Elder is slower than Wicket and Chief Chirpa.......