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Doitsuyama's avatar
9 years ago

Up to date f2p guide

I know there are a few f2p guides out there, but they get outdated and I have seen questions in forum from players who farmed Sid because of those. New meta shifts and events force to evaluate if they are worth changing the basic f2p strategy, and I will try to keep this guide up to date.
First off, I know there are several f2p meta, mostly droids, rebels and now even Rex/Sun Fac. But I recommend the Wedge/Biggs path because it's the fastest and as f2p you need to stay at top Arena ranks for the crystals and must be able to beat Credit Heist at all tiers immediately as you reach the respective levels.
This guide is proven successful when I started end of September. The account is level 77 now (two months later), mostly rank 1 at payout. Arena team is all at 7*, gear 9, level 77 and max abilities and reasonably good mods. Of course with changing meta etc. no repeat success is guaranteed but for now I'm pretty sure it still works very well.
Here's the steps you have to take in easy numbers:
1) Farm GS and Lando in Cantina, always two refreshes.
2) Farm QGJ in Cantina store
3) Farm STH in Arena store
4) Farm Phasma in GW store
This leads to a very easy to maintain Arena team of Phasma (L), GS, Lando, STH, QGJ. Always keep level, abilities and most important gear to maximum!
5) Farm Rey and Ewok Elder in Guild store
6) Farm IG-88 in Arena store after STH
7) Farm Chewie in Cantina to 5* after Lando and GS are at 7*
8) Farm Boba Fett from Cantina store
9) Farm Biggs from GW store after Phasma is at 7*
10) Farm Anakin and Rey from hard nodes
This gives you a Credit Heist team of Lando, STH, Boba, IG-88, Chewie which is good enough to beat it (just have Lando and STH on max, they are the stars). Ewok Elder is a slow farm, but worth it for Galactic War and Rancor raid.
11) You will have time until level 69, now finish mod nodes and farm 5 dot health mods to improve main chars
12) At level 69 farm Wedge from Cantina and gear Wedge and Biggs up as fast as possible
You may suffer a bit in Arena and fight for top 5 or even top 10 while doing this. When Wedge, Biggs, Rey are strong enough (priority on Wedge and Biggs) you can use them in Arena team, like Wegde, Biggs, Lando, STH/GSRey/QGJ depending on matchups. Wedge, Biggs and Lando are the core of the team.
At level 76 you probably can omega Wedge, Biggs and QGJ basic ability, at level 78 omega Lando, Wedge and Biggs second ability as much as you can get omegas already. Put speed mods on Biggs so he shoots first, then you can OHKO a key character of the opponent. With everyone at about level 76, gear 9 you should now find it very easy to stay top 5 in Arena and compete for top spots with the whales.
13) At level 77 farm Anakin from Cantina and gear him
This gives you the current f2p meta of Wedge, Biggs, Lando, STH, Anakin. Have fun! Until Anakin is ready for action, or even then, you should level and gear up Boba, he fits everywhere after his recent rework.
14) Farm Ackbar from Arena store
15) Farm Teebo from GW store
16) If you want to be competitive in Fleet Arena (and you will find this quite easy with GS, Wiggs and Boba who also are strong pilots by now, I was top 5 instantly) farm Resistance pilot from GW store, JC from hard nodes, Poe or Ahsoka from Cantina store and TFP from Cantina before starting with Anakin

1) Don't hesitate to farm gear! Even if this means simming nodes for two days until the 50 stun cuffs are complete! Gear is simply the most important factor to make your team stronger.
2) Look out for a guild which does T7 raids and needs contributors for 600 daily tickets. Get GS or Lando to 7* as fast as possible and enjoy the T7 raid gear. With the above initial arena team (which are all 7* rather fast) I very soon wasn't even last, but placed in top 30 for raid, this team is amazingly strong very fast. It gets only a lot better with Wiggs.
3) Don't spend crystals on cards, only energy refreshes. This brings gear, cantina shards and levels you up faster. The mod pack cards which appear sometimes are an excellent buy though. I went the dolphin route to buy a few of these, they have loads of V-A and V-B mods which translate into huge secondary stats.
4) After the steps above you can farm whatever you like. I am going a resistance route for speed mod challenge and in case Millenium Falcon becomes available, but it's really your personal taste. Just never miss to level and gear your arena team to the max. You might even go for a healer, I didn't need one yet, also not for GW - I haven't even started on Lumi yet (Ackbar trap against Vader and self heals from Lando and STH does the trick).
5) It's good to cooperate with other top Arena players in a line group, making things a lot easier. Try to track them down in forum or via their guild leaders.
6) It's actually the first step actually, but probably too late for players interested in this guide, but still. Set your device to a not so popular time zone when you start playing SWGOH to avoid payout competition. I choose Baku and am the only one with this timezone at Arena payout. Also getting a few hours ahead allows you start the "new day" in the evening which allows you an early start in the day if you wish, I like it a lot this way.
7) Last but not least, never miss out on free energy and low cost shipments, give and take guild exchange liberally, and never let your energies stay on max.

May the force be with you. ;)

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