Forum Discussion

DimitrisMad96's avatar
7 years ago

Vader's Unique or Tarkin's Unique

Hello guys i've got Papa Palp (Emperor Palpatine) with 2 zetas and his a beast and now i'm going to use my 3rd zeta but i don't know who is going to be the lucky guy. Vader's unique gives you immunity to TMR but Tarkin's unique gives you 20% potency for each debuffed enemy. Does anyone got zeta on these 2 lads?

5 Replies

  • zPalps(L), Thrawn, Vader, Tarkin, TFP
    You’ve got me worried!

    I was going to go 2nd Zeta Thrawn, 3rd Tarkin, 4th 2nd Palps Zeta......then onto other teams.....

    Is Palps 2nd Zeta really worth doing before Thrawns ebb and flow? And I’m now worried that I’ve ignored Vader in my plan! Haha
  • the order of zetas for the empire teams, im my opinion, would be:
    Palpa lead
    Sion unique
    Palpa unique
    Nihi unique
    Thrawn unique
    Tarkin unique
    Vader unique
  • That squad will not dominate no matter how much zetas you put.
    Work on Nightmare squad. Sion with or without zeta will be a good addition to your squad, also DN.
    If not, it would be more efficient to invest on raid squads. Zinn, Zader, zKRU, Zeers etc.